
The difference being? You are on a network, have access to an short message application, it’s free. =Free texting. You associate the word texting specifically with the GSM SMS and MMS standard, that’s not really the case it’s just your opinion. If they want to call it free texting they are perfectly entitled to do so.

Kisa, Voce, John’s Phone etc. etc. they’ve been making phones without screens pretty much since they started making phones WITH screens.

It’s sent between two systems, it’s just a digital communications protocol, it’s basically automated morse code.

No it’s still accurate. Texting is a colloquial term, it’s not actually part of any actual standard.

No you need an app to text(send an SMS message) on a smartphone, the hardware is integrated into your phone, but say you take an android phone if you install a rom with no messenger baked in suddenly you can no longer send SMS messages, it’s not actually mandatory functionality on cell phones.

Un not really no. There are a number of different text standards, the oldest, most common, but still not universal being SMS protocol. There are other text based communications standards for mobile communications like DAMPS, and historically you have things like TELEX which ACTUALLY is free as it doesn’t need a

Texting isn’t that universal it’s just the software is baked into the operating systems. The app is free and pretty much universal on modern phones so it’s free for all intents and purposes.

Concorde was only really expensive because it had such a staggering development and high maintenance cost largely not because it was anything overly pricey, but volumes were so low. And a big part of that was maintaining a research programme throughout looking at the long term impacts of supersonic flight on the

The google VR is better for that, looks like a fancy sleep mask.

IP67 and IP68 are great for phones, but they aren’t full proof, it’s there to save your electronics from spills and bath drops it’s not at all meant as a usage rating. For things actually operating in wet conditions for long periods there is a whole different standard.

Just use your scissors and pull it towards you while it’s still on the big roll and then cut off the part you need. Or cut out the length, put the pan on top and cut around the edge to size.

The illegal bit is the dead giveaway. Breaking a law that is not in violation of either national or international human rights of a democratic nation with fair process is always wrong. You can protest against laws you don’t agree with, but you don’t have the right to break them.

It’s in bad taste and morally questionable, but they aren’t doing anything illegal either in national or international law, and illegally immigrating to another country is wrong as well. At the end of the day they are just people doing a job, a job that does have merit and value even if it’s not performed in an

I don’t mind messy so much, I’m more than willing to put time into early access/beta games as I appreciate the process and seeing how they improve. In part that’s probably the only time I’ll ever play anything remotely grindy.

It’s not just kids, a career(that doesn’t allow for gaming as part of your job) does the same thing, trying to spawn a PhD has pretty much killed my tolerance for games that don’t respect my time. It’s pretty much killed the MMO for me, although I wasn’t massively keen on them before as even when I had more time I

You are braver than most, and more forgiving of the atrocious fuel mileage, most guys(including three of four of my neighbours with them) keep them for weekend cars. I occasionally get the opportunity to pick up the military disposal defenders(mostly the same, but a few nice added features) and I just can’t justify it

Land Rover usage is kind of mandatory for my part time gig with the UK reserve forces. Everyone likes them, we still call them mobile coffins, and it’s not just the lack of armour on the snatch version, they just aren’t safe by modern standards. There are upsides, they are great for learning to fix cars(because you

To be fair they are only legal in Europe because of tradition and pedigree. Even then they have stopped making them to start complying to European regulations and that should make them easy to import.

I’ve actually got a degree in Earth Science from my pre engineering days and work in the offshore wind industry so I’m good on my meteorology facts.

Nobody makes you put it on your roof, although the whole roof will need to come off, the panels are tough. Panels are also dirt cheap now, so easy to keep a couple spare.