
That’s about right, although I don’t trust it past 60 days. As I said you do have to continually use it and replace it, if you are doing that you are safer with a tank rather than cans. If you are evacuating, you don’t need that much fuel, you have enough time generally to get enough to evacuate. It’s running a

For hours, maybe a couple of days at most if there is bad weather on it’s heals, but a lot of the time once it’s past you it’s not sun blotting weather. Currently watching the Fox stream from Key Largo looks like clear blue skies to me.

Hurricanes don’t last that long, once they are past you often get good weather, it’s the lack of utilities that’s the kicker. If you’ve got an EV you’ve got a good source of stored energy sitting right there to get you through the worst of it.

Standard gasoline has a pretty short shelf life so most people don’t, you can get long life fuel(i.e. the stuff you use in four strokes), but it’s not really great for your car. Diesel lasts longer, and the engines much more tolerant, but even then it’s not forever and not great for the engine. If you store maybe 20

They are pretty good, although pricey for good ones, LPG is also good. When you are in the shit being off grid is the best thing, and honestly being off grid or predominantly off grid now is becoming easier, cheaper and a very sustainable option so I think more people will be doing it.

There are plenty of options of where to locate your panels, you also don’t need that many to charge a tesla especially in the south. If you’ve got a nice strip of land you are going to have them OFF your roof, and they are pretty easy to take down either way.

Surprisingly in those conditions getting ANY fuel is a challenge. Also in those circumstances the solar panel owner is king.

So we’ve been taping windows since there was tape and windows. I don’t really see how shards of easily mobilised particles of sharp glass are more of a hazard than a heavy sheet of contained glass.

You could have just used that very nice figure, I’m sure they would have given permission.

Would depend entirely on the vehicle and how good it’s waterproofing is, the protections in place would likely mean the main batteries could be fine, the rest of the drive will run fine wet as it was designed that way. The issue is probably the smaller electronics often run of a standard 12V will all be toast.

If it’s anything like my attitude to android games then yes, as a game replayer I’ll have all my old AAAs in my pocket any day of the week.

I’ve got a lot of friends and colleagues from Japan, every single one warned against doing it and that it wasn’t at all necessary and in traditional areas considered rude. If it’s just an internet fact it has a lot of evidence backing it up. It’s not just Asia, it’s pretty rude in a lot of Europe as well.

It is in Japan.

As a European, there are a few countries that do tip, but that can often be more regional in the country. But generally no, in the UK it’s kind of fifty fifty and in the nice, but not expected category. Elsewhere it’s the exception not the rule.

Because it’s actually a bit of an insult, you are implying they won’t do their job as well without some supplemental bribe.

Well it is from their perspective, if you were directly comparing the cars on a purely statistical basis trying to determine and accurate appreciation of the costs you would compare fuel or maybe carbon footprint separately for both. But they are talking from their perspective, they aren’t paying to charge, but they

There are a lot of different qualities, when our dog became diabetic we weren’t able to balance her insulin properly on a majority of the standard mid range to good dog foods. When we switched her to a higher end one that was recommended by a vet and then quite difficult to even source she was instantly much better.

He’s from the North, what do you think they do on those cold multi year winters.

If they didn’t cost more than a pair of silk pjs I probably would, but generally I don’t where anything to sleep so there is that.

If your suits aren’t comfortable then you need to buy better suits, or more likely buy them from somewhere that specialises in selling suits and tailors/alters every suit. If well tailored wool and silk isn’t comfortable you are doing something drastically wrong.