
Most of the uncomfortable clothing types generally don’t really fall into the smart category, they may be fashionable, but those aren’t the same. A good suit should pretty much be fairly close to the most comfortable item of clothing a man owns. If it’s tailored right and paired with a shirt that fits you should be

This would have been good if it was coming out in conjunction with the last movie.

They could, they don’t have protections on other people’s platforms, you only have protections when it comes to governments and physical services. If they want to ban all gingers from discord, then that’s pretty much what they will do.

So they ARE paid like princes, so why on earth would they be striking and why the hell are people putting up with it. Fire them and hire more staff.

The American standard for what counts as middle class is actually pretty sad unless MTA workers are paid like princes. Most of the MTA staff would would be counted as the high end of the working class in most of the world as most non engineering or management rail staff.

Africa is the closest place to Europe where you can get a helicopter, fly to the middle of nowhere and avoid people entirely. Pretty much the only way to avoid the paps.

Until he’s charged it’s pretty early to say that. And even then the word terrorist is grossly over used and so degraded at this point.

And who pays for all that? It’s a serious question, most other countries that have the right to protest it’s not totally unlimited. If you want to block streets for example you can only do it with permission and only if YOU pay for the closures.

I think your comment is really part of the point, articles like this hit the recommended all the time, and Kinja is a totally non race platform that came from a technology blog. It’s hardly conducive to discussions or resolution to basically tell people to get lost in a free space. Two wrongs don’t make a right, and

“Supposed” to be, very few are, most pretend to be, but are of course such raging egomaniacs it’s impossible to do anything more than pretend. I think treating it with a bit more scientific method is certainly an improvement.

British accents in film have a far more simple reason.

When so many people have beards now it’s hardly appropriate, it’s a bit like someone being dq’d in the 70s for not wearing a hat. It’s most definitely a personal thing, depending on the country(but almost all in western Europe and North America) almost no field has any particular stigma against facial hair anymore and

That really depends on the cheese, if you are using that weak sauce average american cheese it doesn’t need much to melt. But if you are sticking on a decent cheese like a good hard cheddar the heat off the cooked burger will barely touch the cheese. Also your choice of condiments and arrangement will also affect it,

It looks like the unionised, the company is just choosing to ignore that. If you are striking you don’t take your tools with you, if you do that’s quitting not striking.

I usually just leave the line and go put it and find the post office/courier that almost all airports have and just mail it back to myself. It’s only really been a close call once at a government building, and given it was an illegal knife in that city I made sure to steer well clear and went and bought a prepaid

That’s not too much an issue, I’ve gone straight to the airport from running an all day range on barracks in the same clothes. The residue detectors aren’t looking for that kind of residue, only a really old machine would ping it and even dogs can tell the difference.

Marginal, would depend on how old you are. In my book 120 is definitively above average, 116 and you are still within the spread of the mean of both the population and most IQ tests.

The only time I’ve ever done it is with the expectation of firing it against an enemy i.e. on patrol during exercise. The rest of the time the training makes it’s really something I would never do.

It is a weird one, I generally always offer a handshake. But every now and then you get a woman that doesn’t do handshakes for whatever reason, which is weird and uncomfortable. As a rule if it’s an older woman I’ll wait a bit to see if it’s offered first. I’m not a hugger though, I’m not going to hug someone I don’t

Maybe it’s because I’m old enough that my first games were all split screen for mulitplayer. But I’m of the opinion that if you stream you take your chances, if you get stream sniped and you are taking no measures to protect from it(like adding a delay or just pre recording) then that’s your own fault. It’s the