
You can’t buy any of those cars in the UK, and over in Europe high performance means fast round corners, they probably could have used a C class or an M3, but I doubt they bought it for that purpose, there are a lot of white Model S kicking around so they probably borrowed or rented one. In fact it’s at RIAT so there

Looks like RIAT so that would have been a couple of weeks ago.

If you’re local building codes require it then you certainly should get an electrician. But a lot of places don’t require that, and also if it’s not a new build or something that needs inspected, nobody is going to care/know as those rules are more for contractors and keeping them safe than homeowners.

You think that’s bad, you should try to buy a Range Rover, they don’t even discriminate on age. They are just elitist pricks that think they are doing you a favour by selling you one of their precious overpriced land rovers.

I’m also not going to reserve my ire though, I’m certainly even if I’m not a customer and now not going to be make it known I don’t like the practice. If you ignore it and say that “oh well, it’s their game” other developers think they can get away with it as part of their normal practices. And THAT is plain not on.

That was pretty much what I said, without the really long explanation that most people don’t get. As you said only REALLY old parts of the US grid don’t get 220-240V into the home, how it’s done varies locally more modern areas are starting to be different again as on the grid side economics are dictating migrating to

I’m aware of how it works, I’ve designed HVDC grids for use in the UK/Europe, 3 phase power rather than 5 is the most common, but some places are 5. Usually in the US it comes in at 220/240 depending on the age of the dwelling and is split into two branches at opposite phase to give the 110. Newer parts of the grid

They can do what they like, but the press are free to report it, and customers are free not to purchase because of it. I know for me it’s gone from a probably going to buy in the next month or so to not going to bother because of this.

I’m sorry but if you stream that’s your choice, you open yourself up to anything. For someone that’s a regular player/customer you should have no preferential treatment as a streamer. Developers shouldn’t be getting involved in situations like this, if it’s an issue for the streamer he can simply put on a delay or

Yes I’m aware of that, I’ve design HVDC power grids before so I know how it works. But in the majority of US homes you have the capability to have standard 240V from the as is power grid, unless you are in a VERY old part of the grid then it’s pretty simple.

Minis have had them for years, nobody is particularly running around copying it.

USA and Europe actually run the same voltage, it’s just the internal sockets that are down volted in a US home, but they still have the same 240V available, it’s pretty easy to get an extra 240V outlet put in if you don’t already have one for appliances.

Can’t speak to the OP, but for myself there isn’t anything fun or interesting about a multi hour slog down highways/motorways/autobahns I would much rather sit with a book and read, catch some sleep, watch a movie. A fun drive really doesn’t involved driving mostly in a straight line for hours.

I take it you also dislike Mini’s for the same reason.

No, in most countries BORDER patrol agents manning a checkpoint are found only on borders, you will have raids on premises actively looking for illegal migrants, but not actually running checkpoints randomly. Also a lot of countries don’t require you to carry ID at all and can’t detain you for not producing.

I would have said the biggest flaw would have been the uncapped steering shaft that had a tendency to impale it’s drivers through the heart on impact. A fairly minor issue/quirk that can be remedied with training, experience and a small fix doesn’t really hit the dangerous marker in comparison.

Not particularly a budget film, it was artistic choice, it was filmed on film stock rather than digital as well.

Is most of the world British? Even in the US where some industries and regulations are pretty antiquated they use permit to work systems. Most engineering industries have some form of it that more or less work in the same ways(different nomenclature is about the only real difference), outside of the small scale or

I explained how QSHE/CoW/Work Permitting works in high risk industries I don’t think that says anything about what I judge as a problem at all.

I am in an industry where that’s a problem. That’s why the system’s are designed to not let you do that, nobody accesses a restricted area without a CoW/WP check in, the tags are colour coded daily, and shift supervisors and QSHE staff do random spot checks. On the more integrated systems your ID badge won’t even let