
You would probably have them on underneath the mask, glass particularly is made with that in mind. There though welding AR systems long before glass and hololens existed.

That’s usually something you put together with your control of work/work permitting system. Those are almost always still done on physical media for a lot of practical reasons, it also generally doesn’t have issues with version control as by their nature you only have them for a specific job, so it if changes after

It was intentionally shot without a lot of CG, it was really the only major deviation that in reality it was significantly larger in scope. That was the main reason it is the way it is, it would have been impossible to cover the rear guard action, the air battle and the major naval action and evacuation without having

It’s not quite the same, but in major engineering you need to set an end point for the design. And you can upgrade it later, and in a first in class that is a major part of it. But the alternative is concurrency, which is how you end up with F35. With normal military engineering, you design something, build it, then

For control of work on a big engineering project usually you aren’t on wifi, you will have site engineers office hooked up on a hard connection. Your guys come in, pick up their permits or tags and any documentation and head off. Different ways of doing it, but generally you aren’t rocking that much in the way of

Your definitions aren’t exactly great, minimalist and spartan don’t necessarily mean what you think they do. And Spartan specifically usually doesn’t mean doing without necessities, in fact it usually means the opposite i.e. ONLY having necessities as a Spartan would.

Anything stored digitally can be printed out, and often will be as part of work permitting. There are digital systems, but it’s not that hard to ensure connectivity if it’s really needed, or just not require it. And of course there are new technologies like glass and hololens that are really great for construction and

Why don’t you just turn the mains gas and water off and pull the breakers if you absolutely need to have everything off. Although generally you don’t always want to do that, especially in winter you actually want to leave your thermostat on, and even in summer minimal climate control helps make sure.

I’ve never got the manspreading thing, why is it manspreading, I’ve never seen it as something particularly akin to Men, as often as not in my many years of commuting women who have one seat for them and one seat for their bag is just as common.

Oil companies have other issues, a lot of the fields are having major issues and are struggling to maintain production. On top of that they are looking to majorly invest in MORE production and that simply means lower field life. Worse case for everyone oil and EV producers is a really low oil price as it suppresses

Started out in cadet forces at 13, airforce reserve, we don’t use an MOS in the UK that’s an US military standard. Having a quick look at the list my current MOS would be 80C0 or 81T0 something along those lines. Right now I command a cadet squadron and I’m a firearms instructor and in civvie street I’m an Engineer.

I disagree, and there is actually NATO testing to back up that disagreement, back when they were considering weapon standardisation they actually did a broad range of testing on all the newish at the time 5.56mm platforms. Given equal training time and experience the reload for M4 and M16 rifles is actually slower

Pretty much, the initial problems with it weren’t quite so bad as the M16, but they took longer to eventually correct so it’s a toss up. In part half of the issues I think could be put down to the project being moved between different companies, too many chiefs.

Mostly just insufficient testing, it needed more design iterations with extensive testing that it just didn’t get. That being said it did actually work pretty well as long as A. You followed the instructions for cleaning and maintaining it and B. You used it in the operational conditions it was primarily built for

Can we all recognise this was very irresponsible, and frankly potentially in violation of safety regulations if not out and out violation of the law. It’s cool, but not something that these guys should have done without more safety measures.

To be fair it did require the use of by a conservative estimate of a 100+ barrels.

What changes? And it’s not Trump’s plans, it’s the Republican party plan, he’s really not the one running the show. He also has no role in Hilary Clinton other than hamstringing his own justice department to protect himself.

Don’t want it maybe, but there is nothing you can really do about it, and given that he sold a 5 acre packet of his land to fund it(unsure whether it was too these people) it’s obviously not an area where people are cheek to jowl with each other.

At the moment mostly Marine Engineering and Risk Science, with a focus on Energy and Environment. Although I was a geologist prior and generally we do share raw data well out of necessity because in large part the data is so expensive to acquire and requires staggering man and machine hours to process. And in real

There has been a push for it, but it’s not happened in my experience, when you dig in even when data has been made available it’s often “representative” not the data itself or a subset of it and so entirely useless for anything other than validation of that work. I’m sure there are probably some fields and schools