
It is, but the bar graphs on a report like that are mostly just eye candy. Think about it both of the main stakeholders have exhaustive analysis they don’t need a better graph. When it comes to the report if it’s just an interesting conclusion they will throw in the least effort best looking graphic. And that’s

Worth noting it’s a regulator report not a study, they aren’t looking for any validation externally or even adding to science. It’s purely a feedback and knowledge generating process, and it’s intended really only for the direct stakeholders. They publish it because they have to, and it’s good practice to do it, but

To be fair in scientific publishing you almost never publish data of sufficient quantity or resolution to allow someone else to analyse that data. And in commercial research or research using commercial data you are often lucky to be allowed to publish anything at all let alone publish actual data.

It can be both, all Jews belong to the Jewish religion, but they don’t all belong to the ethnicity, and of course vice versa not all ethnic Jews are Jewish. In the past and in some parts of the world normally you would use the designation Semitic, but that’s been appropriated by the Jewish community, when technically

That’s not really accurate, in nutritional science there is a fairly significant difference between different fats and sugars. And as you will likely have noticed in recent studies fats being increasingly found to be healthier than was previously believed. If you have two people drinking equal calorific amounts of

Molasses is a byproduct of the refining of sugar(from beats or cane normally), it’s a dark, thick syrup and when from beats is foul tasting and used in cattle feed, and for human consumption when it’s from cane.

You keep believing that, the rest of the world will carry on without you. Seriously how some people can be so ignorant of the history and development of their own species boggle the mind.

Beyond soy you need to be careful of other goitrogenic foods, I was a big lover of a lot of sprouts and beans and had to cut back in order to keep my thyroid levels stable. I pretty much totally ditched soy, but that wasn’t that hard as I never ate a huge amount of it in the first place.

There is very little on soy and thyroid, and it’s not direct studies i.e. specifically soy and thyroid. As far as I know only one study came to that conclusion, most doctors(including mine) are in the better safe than sorry camp as the scientific evidence is not definitive.

Except milk consumption beyond infancy is considered one of the key elements responsible for the spread and evolution of humans in many parts of the world, and particularly in Norther Europe. There are many foodstuffs you don’t need, especially once an adult, but some are easier, cheaper or more beneficial than others.

Why? Seriously who gives a crap about “other people” or looking a certain way. Most people sit somewhere in the middle, and the two extremes are pretty much killing themselves so who cares. Healthy weight is a pretty well debated figure, on a basic level as long as people are fit enough to do the things they want to

Underwear gets replaced when it’s no longer serviceable, I buy good quality so that’s usually as long as the elastic lasts.

How high is your underwear, unless you tuck them under your belt then you don’t need to undo anything.

Actually aster 30 is BMD capable, and type 45 will be moving over to 1NT and Block 2, that packs most of the SM-3 into a package a third of the weight. But Asters a much better AA missile system, generally the US has falling behind on missile technology for the last 20 years because it’s stuck with monstrous multi

Well RN ground/sea to air is actually a lot better than that of the US, it’s a bit of an unmentioned secret(although not an actual secret just the result of good US marketing) that the UKs radar technology is more advanced than that in the US(mostly down to miniaturisation although not exclusively), and the missile

It knows what it wants, but the Doctrine isn’t the same as the US heavy carrier doctrine. It’s essentially the same as what the US marines have used in the past and generally the Marine Corp has taken more from the Royal Navy than it has from the US Navy in terms of operations and doctrine.

Falklands has a dedicated garrison, and air detachment and naval patrol boats. Usually there is either a frigate or a destroyer on station, but as it’s mostly port duty it’s a 12 month deployment and a fast turn around.

Well the UK doesn’t actually go in for shows of force, and doesn’t have anything in the Pacific to protect since the likes of New Zealand and Australia no longer rely on the UK/Commonwealth for defence. For anti piracy it’s buying plenty of smaller warships that are far more suited to the role(largely based on

The Royal Navy don’t use any fixed wing support assets, and don’t see the need for them. F35 fills a lot of capability holes and the UK has solutions for the rest. The UK uses rotary assets or more naval assets for a lot of things that the US relies on aviation and it’s not a lack it’s a distinct doctrine(and the

With the Marvel relationship I doubt they could have done much better, they could work on the engine and mechanics, but I imagine they’ve had to wait to get the story elements complete and signed off so it isn’t touching too close to anything or conflicting too much.