
The pub itself is older, although it’s not that old, it dates from the 1600s so about the time Boston was named Boston.

From a technical standpoint if the tank is empty and it’s a tank that can corrode then it’s going to do it when it’s in open air, being submerged in a hydrocarbon is a pretty good inhibitor for corrosion. Since that’s the biggest source of sediment you are likely running more sediment through the system and will be

It would have been better if they had just pulled out their finger and updated the net code for the game to prevent these things working at all. Getting rid of cheating tools is find, but not when you are sweeping up legitimate modders in the process.

They upload the short videos to facebook now e.g.

Thats not really the case anymore as with most things contact with consumers has shown that a lot of people are either fine with standard locomotion or can get used to it.

Have you ever seen a VR gameplay video that didn’t? It’s from my experience nearly impossible to truly capture the VR experience in a 2D video. The Fallout 4 video looked no clunkier than fallout itself is a bloody clunky game, and in many ways looked like it made good use of the vive controllers to improve the UI.

Given we haven’t really seen any AAA games get the VR rehash it’s actually pretty signficant to see two titles get it, especially when they both potentially suit it really well.

So why is it screwed. Why does it need to be several times larger than any other Navy.

That’s a pretty old video, there’s been a lot of better ones recently.

Those things AREN’T normal, a person who is normally gluten tolerant WON’T have those problems, you totally can be gluten intolerant and it’s about as common as Celiac is(and that unfortunate not because gluten intolerance is common, but that Celiac is too common).

They don’t really need another, for a start it’s more of a living platform and it gets pretty regular updates as such. But they aren’t likely to have a “new” model in the same range unless they make a signficant change to the vehicle. Which they might as it’s still got a lot of legacy from being essentially a boutique

There are big parts of Europe where you can totally go almost your entire childhood and never see more than one or two races. I grew up in Scotland and I didn’t actually see or meet a black person of African descent until my father moved to the US for work and we were spending all our non school term time there. And

Some ex Bloc European countries can be, but some of the time it’s just that certain words and actions never became slurs. While some show genuine racism, it can often be very innocent and people of different races can be accepted easily and at the institutional level it’s not tolerated at all unlike in the US. You

To be fair when it’s pronounced properly it does sound a bit more like GODOT.

I love the fact that the European press is full of stuff about Obama’s trip, they only time Trumps made a major appearance was the US leaking of Manchester bombing intelligence.

Correction: Battleships are a specific type of ship, I think what you meant is he wanted to increase the warship numbers, not the battleship numbers.

It’s an old trick, although it doesn’t always work as anticipated.

For bulling your shoes(what that method of polishing is called) you can actually do it with anything soft enough, and while some types of polish work better(high wax “parade” polish) it works with all types of polish and it’s even sometimes good to add in layers of different colours.

Depends on the country, in a lot of places 24 hour time is pretty normal.

The guy was asking a question, and a valid one for a laymen.