
A democratic election? We have interference from a foreign government, interference from the FBI, widespread voter suppression under the guise of a problem that doesn’t even exist, voting instrumentation so flawed that they can’t even do a proper recount in Michigan, laughably transparent gerrymandering, an outmoded,

There is NO dispute that Russia was involved. The dispute is: the CIA made a report where they stated that they had enough information to know the intent behind Russia’s actions. The FBI doesn’t think there is enough evidence to know Russia’s intent. No agency is saying Russia didn’t do it.

The Constitutional Amendment limiting the Presidency to two terms (or 10 years) was enacted after FDR’s Presidency. It was in reaction to FDR’s unprecedented election to four terms, as well as his death in office.

I have that sitting on my dresser from the library. Now I’m a little scared. I guess I won’t read it before bed. My anxiety about our new orange overlord hits it’s apex at bedtime.

You know, because Hillary totally didn’t have a multi-pronged and detailed jobs and infrastructure program as a central part of her platform or anything

I’ve taken to staying in my apartment, watching reality tv and eating bread and rarely leaving. It’s a good plan of action. I’ve had 3 whole days where i didn’t hate people!

Goddamnit. I seriously can’t remember a day in the last month where I haven’t hated humanity at least once.


Schoo yoo guys I’m going home.

I welcome all men to kiss my ass this morning, and every morning to come.

As a penis owner the thing men are best at is breaking things while trying to fix something... This works on like a gazllion levels.

Bobby, we need this to be a regular post. Daily, if possible. Weekly, I’ll take it. Just, please, bring some joy into our lives and allow us to feel revulsion at something that isn’t the real world.

I’ll say it if nobody else will.

“My comment was not intended to be racist at all...”