
Say it again!

Yes, this. Because everyone who commits a crime is always charged, convicted, and sentenced.


Aziz, light!

With a crowbar?

My childhood experience was that it connoted "pussy" not "gay". As Carlin said on an early 70's album "a f#g was a guy who wouldn't go downtown with you to beat up queers." But that's disingenuous IMO. It still derives from the perspective that gays are effeminate and ergo lack courage or other essential "manly"

Ahh, the rare triple negative. Ryan Seacrest take note.

Now if there was only a way to watch other networks' programming at my convenience, instead of the scheduled broadcast time.

"Now Louis CK is telling TMZ his feelings are hurt and that trumps their right to report the news."

How the fuck are the mods permitting an unrepentant troll to wear the exalted mantle of "Heisenberg"?

Finally your motive for trolling is revealed. You hate Tracy Morgan.

I don't know. Airline travel is a pretty low common denominator.

If by "histrionics" you mean Louis' tweets posted here, I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Jesus, man, calm down. Louis was asking, rather politely for him, that TMZ display some common decency by not posting, for universal consumption, a real video of a real tragedy involving real people. Not a bit in a comedy routine.

And of course the Vulture post on her speech was trolled by MRAs, or trolls posing as MRAs. And of course they won, because who can resist responding to a troll?