Warren Lauzon

I have to admit Okja's "shopping trip" through the shopping area was an epic chase scene. This movie pokes barbs at ALL sides.

It was self defense, I am sure.

He is for sure correct about the low bar. And it makes me wonder why so few in the supposed "fake news" MSM have questioned Jared's qualifications and Ivanka's actual "good" influence.

It's not quite so simple. All of the networks are government run. Only one - KCTV - is what could very loosely be called a "network" - with about 4-5 broadcasting stations. All the rest have 1 or 2, some only in Pyongyang. The content is almost nothing but (often very old) patriotic songs and movies, interspersed with

They don't have five networks, and the one they do have are only on for 3-4 hours a day. Don't know where the author got the info for the article, but there is a lot wrong with it.

There is really nothing they can do to retaliate except make bombastic empty threats. They simply don't have the means to carry out anything against the US.

Nope, the First Amendment protects ALL speech. Nowhere does it say anything about "political speech".

What is funny is that North Korea apparently still has not figured out that Seth is Canadian.

I can't believe they are actually doing this - is this story fake?