
It is becoming increasingly clear that upper management of CDPR and many other companies view “Agile/Lean methodologies” as “push shit out as fast as possible and with no QA whatsoever.”

My editor thought of the very good joke “despawn the police” once it was too late for me to add it, so please enjoy it as a reward for looking at the comments.

Some folks petty stat is set at 18 ...then you have FEATS of Petty. is how i like to look at it. ....way too much blue box D&D.

Honestly, the people complaining about CP2077 are just exhausting. I get the complaints about how broken it is, still, on PS4/XBO. That is a real problem.

Outside of some major glitches the game ran fine on SX

I played on a high end PC so my experience was different then a lot of people but I enjoyed the game a lot and I thought it was pretty good. It looked amazing and the game did what they claimed it would do for the most part.

I read an article that said the custom designed soap dispensers suck back a little to prevent drips, and the canteen has lower air pressure so that food aroma doesn’t escape when the doors are opened.

Gamers want endless content for a game that’s over 2 1/2 years old. Gamers don’t want to pay for content. LMAO.

You dumb bitch

I was going to fetch the obligatory Willy Wonky “Stop. Don’t. Come back.” gif, but you’re not even worth the effort.

What’s with the promotion of a Marxist organisation at the top of the page?

Gurl, bye!

Bye bitch.

Imagine seeing “The extrajudicial killings of black people must stop” and thinking “I don’t agree with that. In fact, I disagree with it so much I’m not going to visit a website for even suggesting it.

Wow, just wow. No no...please don’t go. No....stop....

You say Marxist as if you know what it means...

I like that DV1 dlc were criticized at being just random activities not linked to the story and then DV2 give them all story dlc and people complaint that they just want another underground lol

Dipshits are so proud of themselves 

anyone who is stupid enough to tint their car’s lights to uselessness is immune to constructive influence. If you’re too dumb to understand that making lamps- the sole purpose of which are to throw light onto things- too dim to do their jobs, then there’s no reaching you.