
Sorry I should be clear in that I didn’t say that becoming a sub-atomic physicist is hard because of the nomenclature. I meant the general population has a hard time grasping concepts that could be easier to understand and remember if the naming convention wasn’t so tough. The math is there to prove something. Once

If someone out there has a favorable view of Dark Ages heretic-burning fanaticism, I guess they’d take issue with the series.

University of Alberta physicist Richard Soluk, MoEDAL’s technical coordinator.

They’d even be right to do it! This is absolutely inexcusable, mind-bendingly horrific, impeachable stupidity. The reflexive cynicism of the Republican Party — whose entire project is to use Trump in order to take health care away from tens of millions of people to enrich the ultra-wealthy — is equalled only by their

1. I don’t have a problem with people posting “men are trash” on their website- I have a problem with the justification laid out in this article.

I’m a man and I don’t find the above meme to be offensive or to “tee” me off.

Understand that what you are saying is that unless women learn to be polite and respectful, men will continue to deny them equal status in our society. Understand that no man has ever been fed this raft of patronizing bullshit.

Look, if someone wants to say “Men are Trash” I don’t really care- it’s fairly toothless... but you can’t say you are working against gender roles when your message to men is to “man up”...

My understanding of Feminism is that it’s about Equality. Men and Women having equal rights. Then I hear feminists calling guys “Meninists” as an insult. Shouldn’t that kind of be the same thing?

But seriously, I was under the impression, for a long long time, that Racism and Sexism and all other kinds of -isms were

It’s not the phrase I had a problem with- it was the line of reasoning justifying it...

I think this may be one of the very rare feminist articles that will be almost unanimously despised for typifying everything wrong with the worst (and least effective) forms of feminism. They pull out and showcase nearly every one of the worst moral and logical fallacies made in this space (men just generally deserve

Ryan, did you read your own article? The scientists aren’t right or wrong, they’re saying the way inflation was represented and dismissed was wrong, and even if inflation turns out to be wrong, they will still be correct.


Thank you very, very much for changing your mind. Your kids will thank you, and their schoolmates’ parents thank you today.

OMG, the one with Io creating a shadow on the red spot can’t be real?

One person having a bad day with a power drill could sort of shut the whole thing down.

No, his model is, to make humans an inter-planetary species and thereby reduce the likelihood of a total extinction event.

Outside of fusion, I think it’s pretty obvious that we need to end the embargo on developing space-bound nuclear fission reactors. I would think the compartmentalized and highly stable nature of modern military-grade reactors (think: USN S9G or the new S1B, which I know, still large pieces of equipment), would be good

Yeah, there’s a ton of questions about long-term survival out of the magnetosphere. Having said that, no matter what the timelines might officially be, I’d say we’re at least a couple decades away from this being reality (though we possibly do a high-risk flight with astronauts in say, a decade).

Shut up.