
Is Finn Rey's love interest (a la Han & Leia) OR is he going to turn out to be related to her & strong with the force (like Luke & Leia)?

I want this show to be better (or at least smarter) - but it doesn't seem like that's ever going to happen. After tonight's episode I think I might enjoy an Angel v. Los Vampiros Malditos series more…

If he destroyed the 'G', I'd be alright with that. Just destroy it and start from scratch, the G (as it is now) is the absolute worst.

Did they drop hints at an attraction between Asami and Korra and I just missed them? It just seemed to come out of nowhere. It was definitely a memorable ending to a great series. Too bad they cancelled it, just as it was about to get really interesting..

Science/Rational Thought v. Vapid Daytime TV Show Hosts…

Oh don't even get me started on the G train…

Oh and let's forget the only black characters we've seen are car thieves and a servant. Are they going for some sort of stereotypes record? Oh there's the Regina King P.R. flak, ok - so one person of color isn't a complete stereotype.

"I'm sure we'll eventually find out the dad died while smuggling heroin and korans over the border" LOL

There are a whole host of problems with this show. I'm sticking with it, I'm hoping they work these things out - but I'm not optimistic. Two of my biggest pet peeves are when the characters on a genre show are all idiots (i.e. The Walking Dead) or there doesn't seem to be any internal logic (i.e. Lost). As I said

I think that was the first time I'd ever watched anything on television 'through' my fingers. I almost had to dare myself to watch that sequence. Eventhough it was mostly in shadow - I still had to turn away at times.

Tyrion and Bronn. Hands down.