
Have I been reading the wrong gadget blogs? What awesome Microsoft hardware are you talking about? The Surface was an abject failure. Even Microsoft admits that. XBone was the worst product launch I have ever seen. Windows phone is languishing in obscurity. What is left, the Zune? Are you talking about the Zune?

It wasn't an assumption. Most retailers already accepted NFC.

"Look, Jim, we already changed the front grill"

Yeah, but you have to replace them way less frequently than normal bulbs.

So the push button falls out of it's mount?

So the ATS-V will go 10 miles at 100MPH then kill both the driver of the Caddy and the M3 due to ignition switch failure.


"It'll kill the BMW M3"

The white certainly doesn't help the "full-diaper" appearance of the rear.

Much like the CTSV coupe, it looks fat.

As much as I don't want to respond to this attention seeking crap, it needs to be known that you go to a "pubic" high school.

But unlike the Mustang, the base 3 series drives well.

Yeah, you at least have to have a license plate.

These are the worst kind of people

No, guess he had to weaken that welded bit to break it off.

In the UK and Ireland, if we see one straight road, we know the romans built it

You should look up the definition of xenophobic.

Wow. Calling the European car market which is more diverse and offers more brands from all over the world xenophobic is a real stretch. The Japanese and Korean brands do just fine. And the offerings of the different European carmaker a couldn't be more different. Just because the market developed differently than the

To each their own, but there is something to be said that
1. Most chefs don't have access to charcoal grills while on the job.
2. Preparing food, quickly, in a restaurant can change how you cook things.

I know several chefs, and when they are home, none of them use a salamander, few use the oven, some use propane and

Reminds me of how my brother drives in Gran Turismo...