
Oh, you're saying those are GOOD salaries? ;)

I've been doing this for the past two or three years. When I decided to get serious about getting rid of my credit card debt. I give myself a budget of 250 a week and anything left over went into my savings account and when I was able to save a good chunk of money I would pay off a larger portion of it.

Prophylactically is usually used in a medical sense to describe taking a medication or action before having a problem to prevent the problem. For example taking pain medication prior to pain being felt to prevent the pain from coming on. In this case they should have removed the bumpers before trying to drive over

BTW the steak, bone in rib eye, was delicious. In the end i must thank you, Alan Henry. Well played.

Maybe it's just my ignorance of my (lack of) worldly experience talking here, but why am I more shocked that Dubai has female police officers?

Whoever told you the GT3 redlines at 11k is a bad friend.

Porsche currently offers a super light Li-Po battery already...its just pricey, as all things Porsche are.

Delightfully 3-speed auto.

Wasn't "push-to-start" the original way to start? Put key in (somewhere in the dashboard), push the button. The new fangled way was: put key in column, twist key to start. The trick now, is that the Key Fob can stay in your pocket, without the Fob the button does nothing.

I love the Push-to-Start.

I like how they integrated that pelican meme into the headlight assembly.

Also hate when people don't specify Paris, TX or Rome, GA.

Oh my goodness. I've wanted locked layers for so long. This is phenomenal.

Wait, WHAT?!?!!?

"He thinks he's skinney dipping in private.... but I know. I KNOW."

Stormtrooper mom got it going on.

If I understand you correctly: he was right and you were wrong.In driving school back in Germany (you know, BMW is German) you learn to merge close to the area, where the lanes merge to avoid long traffic jams. But that's just my observation as German here in the US. Nevertheless, BMW Drivers are dickheads.... and I