
Wut? 1) I love a big V8 as much as anyone and will forever be a proponent for them stuffed into any car. 2) Big Blocks have not really been around for a while, sure you can get a one in a box but small blocks is were it is at. 3) Engine diversification is necessary for GM if they want to conquer far away lands such as

Stupid gauges turn me off, make lots of girls look like monkeys. The latest fad in body modification. Will look ridiculous when the fad wears off.

Now playing

Interesting. Different but interesting. It can't match the sound of the V10s (or V12s) of the past:

There ya go :)

I am an engineer for one of the three 2014 engine supplier. AMA.

Because racecar.

Volvos offer pretty good bang for your buck too. Little known fact.

I knew Sandy Utah back in high school-she was a big beach.

Fans are going to get really tired of hearing the James Bond theme inside the stadium every time they open the roof.

First and only time I'll side with Bieber.

I'm astounded that Toyota isn't on the list.

That Lincoln video should be a PSA.

It's like a Brazilian wikileaks

What's a Nene Leakes?

Jesus someone needs to calm down on the HDR use.

Get $3, go to the closest store, exchange for ice cream, flavor of your own choice ;)

Hey man, I think I recognize your handle from the Locost forums I lurk at!

You're forgetting the part about the flameouts at altitude... I remember reading a book titled "Skunkworks", all about Groom Lake, Area 51, and all the hidden airforce prototypes during the 60's-80's.

@radryan03: Do you drink at work or are you off today?