
It’s some form of calculation error. 1/19/38 is a 32-bit integer max date.

It’s actually simple: By not watching endless shounen shit.

So your brain gave you a whole bunch of material to work with. Now you’ll have to get to writing a series of books, that will be turned into an HBO series down the line. Have at it.

What color is the sky in your world?

Honestly, the whole notion of unions needs to be applied on a *national* scale (and a global one, if I’m being honest). The balance of power between employers and employees is WILDLY skewed, and that is at the root or near the core of SO many problems.

holy s**t, remember when people used to invade Beatles’ homes or novelists or even scientists?

OMG this could spawn a whole new genre of games.

The only people that loot boxes etc... ‘prey’ on are those who are incapable of delaying their own gratification.

The movie was at its best when the title role was silent or off screen. I found that problematic.