
Watchmen, you can’t turn the page without him saying “Look at me, look at me, look at me.”

While I like Alan Moore’s work a lot more than he does, I largely agree with Grant Morrison in regards to Alan Moore’s character work.

The history of law enforcement’s support for white nationalism IS the history of law enforcement.

Or maybe we could listen to the concerns of underrepresented people when they say something hurts them, rather than making false equivalencies and mocking them.

Trump claims his black approval rating went up 26 points

He’s not wrong, in the sense that he is only speaking for and about white people. 

I have no idea what these evil white men who own all of the NFL do for a living

The most shocking part of this whole thing: IT’S EYE-EE-SHA?!!!

This week I learned that there are millions of Americans who believe that their employers can do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want, and it’s absolutely okay because that’s what you sign up for when you get a job.

I’m bummed John Goodman came back for this. He always seemed like a decent guy. Of course, that’s probably because I never looked too hard.

I have a question for the women who comment here. What would ever make a woman even want to take off a bandaid for, much less do anything remotely sexual with a man who looks like a cross between the Pepe meme and a ferret?

If there’s two things in this world I absolutely hate, it’s bigotry and the Dutch.

Based on the picture above, Freddy Krueger’s origin is that he used to be a comic artist.

I solely blame Disney’s marketing department for John Carter’s failure. I thought it looked like the cheesiest, stupidest movie of the decade until I watched an IGN review and they were like, “it’s actually fun and has some surprisingly deep moments! you should see it!” And they were right.

And yet, this will likely become my 11 year old son’s favorite movie simply because it has a bunch of giant robots beating up on giant monsters. There is nothing wrong with that either.

Dear Lifehacker,