
""use force to obtain intercourse"

Immediate criticism of her appearance. Never change Jez, please never change.

Yeah, and if people who work at Tim's can't plan ahead to spend time with their family sometime other than on holidays they should quit too.

"They can, but they shouldn't have to."

I see. Those two claims ("they're entitled" vs. "they think they're entitled") mean 2 very different things, haha.

"Plus they're ENTITLED."

If they hit my car and injure me it is my concern, though.


As much as you"fear" Cuban people getting rid of their old cars, I like the idea of them gaining easier access to safer, more efficient, and reliable automobiles.

Such stubborn, painfully dumb animals. At least they're delicious.

I was simply replying to another post in which they used an excerpt from the FSU code of student conduct: ("1. Sexual Misconduct.

"If you were feeling inclined to give Iggy Azalea the benefit of the doubt, you could argue that perhaps she talked at length about the Eric Garner verdict her friends and family, but kept it off social media because she didn't think it was her place to weigh in (doubtful, but we're being generous here) or that maybe

I have to agree. As someone who has been in the same boat, I can tell you that both are horrible. To compare them as identical is stupid, but to dismiss the victims of one or the other is even dumber.

What you're not considering, though, is that the headline gets people to click. This is Gawker Media, after all.

"Similarly, consent can be revoked at any time in the process. A women can originally consent and sex can begin and if for any reason, she wishes to stop, the man must abide by her wishes."

Had he been drinking too? I wonder why she's not being investigated for sexual misconduct for having sex with someone under the influence as well.

Interesting. I wonder if SHE asked for consent.

Look up how severance pay works, it's not all that uncommon.

C'mon Jez (mostly the commenters), more victim blaming? This shit is gross.

Laziness. I used to date a girl who would complain that she was putting on weight (and she was) but always found a reason to blow-off the run or gym time we planned earlier. Don't complain about getting fat if you're only going to say you'll do something about it.