"I am plenty aware of this, thanks. Unfortunately I am on my phone and its kind of hard to see my writing and sometimes I write quickly and make mistakes.
"I am plenty aware of this, thanks. Unfortunately I am on my phone and its kind of hard to see my writing and sometimes I write quickly and make mistakes.
Of course schools should be held accountable for failure to act on certain things, but maybe the number of cases of schools dropping the ball in response to rape allegations is due to the fact that schools are (or, should be, anyway) institutions of learning and instruction. They are simply not equipped to properly…
I'm sorry, but what, exactly, is so amazing about those final words?
I really hope that this is a Victim Olympics troll post. As another user said, "acknowledging that the issue you face is not the same as the issue someone else faces doesn't invalidate your pain. There's room for everyone's struggle."
"I'm fully behind the movement to stop the "real woman" bullshit- but I also acknowledge that it isn't as damaging (financially, socially and emotionally) as what large women face."
Body positivism IS a place where you're free from those things. You don't have to justify your existence, and others sharing their own (albeit different) experiences of body-shaming does NOT minimize your experiences.
It's no more shocking than when fat women make body-shaming of fat women all about them.
The pure violence of that initial shit (it was just a single, explosive event. The entire contents of my colon was emptied in less than a second) is something that I have never experienced before. Thanks to Uncle Sam I've had food poisoning on 4 different continents, but this home-grown shit is still the most…
I was once far too close to something similar happening to me. I was the new officer in a relatively small department, and the only officer on the road doing night patrol. I had been suffering through a series of pretty terrible patrol vehicles. The criteria for selecting which patrol vehicle was used by the new guy…
Can men use this service as well? I'd hate for a campaign that sets its sights on equality to exclude half of the Earth's population.
"I can't see them trying this defense with any other crime happening on campus."
The Big Bang Theory (a theory that was proposed by a Catholic Priest) is still accepted by Catholics? You don't say.
A lot of that certainly was disgusting, but a lot of it was hardly harassment.
Nice! I love my prostate, and sleeping with women.
"It's hard to summon much sympathy for the besieged owners, since their home is likely worth more money than most Americans will ever see in their entire lives."
So you're telling me that Hollywood produces movies intended to be provocative, over the top, and entertaining?! What is this bullshit??!! I expected more of you, tellers of fictional stories. Shaaame.
Holy shit! A Gawker Media outlet acknowledges and admits they were wrong?! Bravo, Deadspin. Bravo.
A man is found beaten and stripped naked in the woods. What does Jezebel do? Why, post a video of him in a naked and disoriented state, of course. Class act Jez, keep it up.
They've not ditched models, they're simply using comics as models.
Let's keep in mind that sleazy women do this too. Why not mention them as well?