
He’s not so much excusing the truck driver’s behavior, as he is dispelling the Nissan driver’s innocence in the situation.

Not justifying the pickup drivers actions at all, but this is a new reason why people shouldn’t hang out in passing lanes.

Nothing will ever excuse the truck drivers behavior. Period.

Z is being an asshole because traffic was light and there was no reason for the driver to be in that lane at all unless he was passing. He was clearly not passing and was blocking, per the conversation on the video. This is why amateur Barney Fifes out there are dangerous too.

All I see are two equivalent assholes and one winning.

Not trying to defend the truck but this is just a reminder to those lane blockers who want to prove something. Irrational people exist. They will try to kill you for pointless shit. It’s easier to just let them pass. You’re not doing anyone a favor by escalating the situation.

He’s definitely not passing. His position relative to the car in the other lane doesn’t change throughout the entire video... until he gets rammed.

Absolutely correct on there being two assholes in this video. Looks like the person started filming because the Z was just camping in the left lane purposely blocking the truck. And the truck was getting more and more agitated.
In the end the truck driver is guilty of assault, for sure. But it was not out of the blue

was the Z’s job to slow down cars on the highway ? he should have kept right after “supposedly” overtaking

Where did he say it was equivalent? It’s pretty clear that the Nissan was intentionally blocking the Ram, so that’s dick move number one. Then the Ram driver decided to completely lose all semblance of rational thought and assaulted the Nissan. The biggest takeaway from this is don’t antagonize other drivers because

Not to give the truck driver any credit but the Nissan driver wasn’t passing anyone and looked to just be blocking him in the passing lane, intentionaly. There seems to be enough blame to go around with this one.

Let me first say the truck driver should be charged with assault with a deadly weapon and there is no excuse for the truck driver’s actions.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that this is probably the case? it’d take a lot to get a bro to scrape up his pickup.

They don’t seem to be doing very much passing. Most all road rage is two people being assholes, and one winning. The loser plays the victim.

Patrick George says it well.........

Chrysler ME412:

Ford GT90.

Sweet, so my reaction time was decreased by only 0.03 seconds, which is negligible. I’m going to text all the texts while I’m driving now!

This is yet another application that demonstrates the fallacy behind the junk science supposedly showing that texting is dangerous. No one considers the human factor. If your drive were really this complicated, would you use your phone (or change your radio station, or put in a CD, or turn around to deal with your

I think I texted and drove for about 20 minutes with this with no crashes. Seems like its safe to text if I ever tried to drive on the universe’s most dangerous tollway.