
Thank you! Have a sticker...and cookie for good measure!

Wow, how edgy...

The “Solar Eclipse” is all part of the Republicans diabolical plan...much akin to Mr. Burns when he blocked out the sun. Wait and see!!!

Highlander: The Series is awesome. Awesome in a way only the 90's could produce.

I find it bothersome that I know my Game of Thrones History better than actual World History...

I love how Mrs. Beakley now a buff bird that looks like she can bring the pain...Mrs. B’s been hittin the roids hard since late 80s I guess

Isn’t this the plot for “Ocean’s 11"?

I grew up in Douglas County, GA where this took place. I’ve driven by the house where these people that were harrassed/threatened lived. Douglas County GA has changed A LOT over the past 10 years. There are still a majority of good people that live in D-ville, but the city is slowly dying.

I agree, the whole Negan taking Dwight at his word and killing the doctor is a little far fetched. They explain it away pretty well though...”What does Dwight have to gain from lying? If he’s lying, I’ll find out and it’ll go worse for him.” So says Negan... It does work but it is far fetched...basically the motto

I was a pretty big fan of this episode...no thanks to my Sling TV that kept screwing up and buffing endlessly....

Hollywood has all but seceded from Cali already...along with a large number of US citizens skipping town...yes California, your super high taxes and cost of living is driving business and taxpayers out to other states...please feel free to secede...

I would like to take this time to tell anyone that will listen that I do not watch this show anymore. I still feel the need to interject my opinion while always reinforcing the point that I do not watch this show anymore. Did I mention that I do not watch this show anymore? Well if I didn’t, please be aware that I

Well...who’s to say Negan doesn’t bust out the makeup next week and go full-on “Baseball Furies”....don’t put it past them...it seems they will call your bluff!

“The Scavengers” will forever be be known as “The Garbage Pail Kids” in my household...take your scavengers nonsense and get outta here!

I re-watched the episode this morning before work.

Glad I’m not the only one that saw this! Boot Guy from end of last half is my pick!

Yes, it was very quick. Altering the logs so the Saviors don’t figure it out...like with the gun?

There is a small part at the end of the scene where Gabriel takes all the food and weapons...basically, he opens the notebook and looks over the pages...it was very quick. I took it to mean he was making certain the “log” matched what he took...I guess...it was quick. Because that damn “log” got that other character

Uh uh uh...you didn’t say the magic word...Uh uh uh

Everyone is acting like the American Public School System is currently this super awesome amazing work of art...