I took issue with your self rightous tone. Go ahead and stay away, happily fapping to yourself. I don't care about this cynical site anyway, I only came here by happenstance. Later, retard.
I took issue with your self rightous tone. Go ahead and stay away, happily fapping to yourself. I don't care about this cynical site anyway, I only came here by happenstance. Later, retard.
I'm a fan of the series, who tries to find joy in things, instead of acting like you and coming in an article and shitting on it because I have no life. So you try and talk big to cover up the fact you have no life.
As are you mine.
More like a baboon with a dictionary.
There you go again, using that big language, trying to sound smart. Well you're not. You're just an asshole.
You mean like you are, saying you have the right to judge everything, and if people don't agree with you, they're wrong? Excuse me for trying to disagree with you, oh holy master.
You know what they say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
No, not being such as ass is.
as are you.
Well you, know, I have to play on a level field.
Back at you.
Try not being such an asshole.
I beg to differ.
That's not helping your point.
You're welcome.
It's not that bad.
Your stuck up attitude is proving my exact point.
Your cynic look on the game and movie, without even seeing them proves you lack joy in your heart.