
It's nigh-impossible for the House to flip before 2022. The only way even that happens is if Dems win big in 2020 and subsequently control the redistricting process (i.e. gerrymander the hell out of as many states as possible).

Agreed. We on the left got (somewhat justifiably) smug about the right-wing "echo chamber," when we most certainly live in our own bubbles.

Plus, a zombie world is kind of limited. It's pure survival and pretty much nothing else. Westworld lets you indulge the survivalist thing if you want, but there are also countless other things to explore. As the MiB mentioned that the outside world is "one of plenty," I imagine the rugged frontier is an especially

Also reminiscent of last season's episode with the young(ish) parents that Jimmy and Gretchen try to befriend. Finding love and commitment is wonderful, but settling down can still be terrifying.

Exit pollers ask who you voted for and maybe some demographic information, but not your name or address or anything. And it's not like "secret ballot" means you can't talk about who you voted for, only that you can't be forced to.

Because we don't treat other acronyms that way? To pick one example, the "P" in "JPEG" stands for "Photographic," but we don't say "J-feg."

I see this a lot and I'm not sure where it comes from. Acronyms are generally pronounced based on what word they look like, not what sound the component words make.

In the playoffs they just keep going until someone wins, essentially. But during the season the unholy power of TV schedules forces them to wrap it up at a certain time no matter what.

I think it fits in with Atlanta's broader theme that there are many shades and layers to the black community that often go unexplored in the media. Class divides and power structures can be found everywhere.

He seems incredibly uncomfortable in high-society settings, which I imagine would make fitting in at Princeton difficult.

Well, violence/sex/conflict is what fuels action dramas, so those are the characters that are focused on. It seems that out of the 1,000 or so guests in Westworld at any given time, only a handful are violent psychos — otherwise all the hosts would be dead by 9 AM every day!

This is a great interpretation, especially Bernard as a sort of tragic, Paradise Lost Lucifer whose goal is human (host) enlightenment rather than damnation.

Nah, Jake just wasn't cool enough. Gina mentions seven minutes in heaven with Todd Cohen, so there were definitely boys there.

Also, I just caught/realized that Los Angeles isn't the state capital, either. (Neither is Portland, for that matter.) Come on, Jess!

These bands are like someone took Arcade Fire, Mumford (& sons), and then ran them through a shit blender.

I thought the season was great… a hangover was just what was needed after 05/09. Very Empire Strikes Back.

I think he meant her responses were improvised, since she didn't know the questions beforehand. Obviously the questions were pre-written.

Which two, out of curiosity?