
Some tough competition in the category this year, to be fair, especially with more series like Fargo that are anthologies but treated as miniseries for awards purposes. Still, I'd have put it above The Night Manager, at least.

Well, he also has them scoring two points for the other team. (At least? It's always possible the Browns will pull off the ol' safety-safety-blocked extra point returned for 1 point play…)

More of a hangover season than table-setting. It was pretty much everyone dealing with the after-effects of 05/09.

"North Carolina" is a style of BBQ, so it could easily have that name and still be located in New York.

Incidentally, the full name of the law is the USA PATRIOT Act, which I thought might have been funny to mention when Santiago was making all the references to USA TV shows.

Just time-travel back to late '90s Seattle and start an influential indie rock band. Easy!

Oh man, Middle Earth PBS would be amazing. Smeagol shows up on Antiques Roadshow with a mysterious ring he found in a river…

Yeah, it's like the terrible singers they would show on American Idol just so the "judges" could lay into them. Like, isn't it enough to celebrate people who are good? Why do we need to add crushing people's dreams and egos into the equation?

Well said. Also, I don't think it makes sense to talk about the "bravery" of putting yourself out there, but then decrying criticism as illegitimate. What it makes it brave if there's no risk?

As Alex said in the stray observations, Michael Haneke is a huge influence here. I highly recommend his movies if you like this style. Cache especially comes to mind – lots of playing around with reality in a subtle, paranoia-inducing way.

On the contrary, this is apparently a universe where Fight Club is bigger than the Bible. At least based on Elliot's master plan and Tyrell's, er, extracurricular activities.

I'm pretty sure the way his sentence was structured referred to two *rooms,* not necessarily individuals.

Re: avoiding gunfire, one theory is that White Rose is sparing her for whatever reason. Notice that in the shootout in China she and a Dark Army gunman have each other dead to rights, but he turns his gun on himself.

I'm all over this thread with this recommendation, but the film Cache uses that "security camera" effect so well. Alex also mentioned similarities to Funny Games, from the same director, so clearly an influence on Esmail.

Alex mentioned Michael Haneke in the review, and I can't recommend his movies enough for anyone interested in this style – clearly a huge influence on Esmail.

Did they ever explain how the FBI figured out where Cisco lives/his real identity? It seems like they jumped from getting the face composite to raiding his place.

Not sure if this is within your control, but I'd suggest putting the questions in bold or italics, would be much easier to read that way. Good interview though!

Wait, Jeni's is an LA hipster thing now? Nice, I can out-hipster them on something for once! I used to go the original one in Columbus' North Market.

I'm not sure how much he wants to be an Artist, really, though I'm sure he would like the acclaim. If anything he seems to want to make pulpy stuff that, like comic books, isn't really dissected critically or judged by any metric other than "fun." Though from this review it doesn't sound like he's even succeeding at

Only way longer and more disjointed!