
I was wondering that, too. As a passive participant in the action, so to speak, "we" aren't really capable of making Elliot trust us. But we are capable of fostering distrust, in a way, by knowing things (like the Mr. Robot reveal) and not sharing them.

This whole show is just a love letter to the film career of Edward Norton.

Yeah, the exact nature of the twist wasn't clear, but it seemed really obvious he was institutionalized in some way. To me, maybe weirdly, the detail that stuck out was that he had breakfast, lunch, and dinner with the same person in the same place every day. Who the hell does that in real life?

I feel like she has to have a deeper plan, right? She knew full well the leverage she had over Price, and used it to get into that office for a reason.

The $einfeld Chronicle$

True Detective season 1 is the closest I can think of, though in that case Nic Pizzolatto wrote every episode and Cary Fukunaga directed all of them. I remember it was a big deal that the whole season had one director — seems like an insane amount of work. I don't know how Esmail is doing it along with everything else.

I see her story as kind a mirror of Elliot's. She's lost her foundation and is stuck in a kind of stasis. Just as Elliot wants to move on from Mr. Robot but can't, Joanna wants to move on from Tyrell but can't fully divorce herself from him and his legacy, if you'll excuse the pun.

The show basically crossed over with The Get Down for a few seconds there. Leon must have been trained by Shaolin Fantastic.

It's only been a few months, right? The hack was in May and this episode Dom mentions it's July 3rd.

Could Elliot/Mr. Robot have killed Romero? Not sure if the timelines match up, but it would harken back to Mr. Robot pulling a gun on him last season. It also fits with Mr. Robot killing Tyrell — if that actually happened!

Ah, I forgot that was court-ordered (right?). Did they ever explain what led to his therapy to begin with?

Right — I would phrase it as facades falling apart. Elliot's delusion is the most obvious one, but we also saw other relationships dispensing with pretense to various degrees. Leon revealed his true self. Angela admitted she knows exactly what Darlene is covering up.

Well said. I'll add that "skeezy club owner" is a type of gangster that's appropriate on this show, and it's a fun archetype to play around with. Annie didn't do much for me, but Cadillac (especially his dance moves!) was engaging in a way that alternated between ridiculous and terrifying.

True, but arguably BoJack soured that relationship to begin with by ignoring the restaurant and taking Sandro for granted. Still, it doesn't seem like BoJack knew about all of Sandro's issues with him, so compared to other relationships on the show it's fairly benign neglect.

Starlight Express!

That was an oddly off-screen resolution, to me, but maybe it'll come back. Don't forget BoJack also revealed he was digitally replaced in Secretariat.

Why not? That describes pretty much every punk band. (Plus or minus "generic" I guess.) Sometimes venting is just as needed as sophistication.

Maybe that's the custom in Labrador! Like how in Russian they address people by both first and middle names (I think).

Wasn't the bigger* story that BoJack was digitally replaced in Secretariat?

Bob Saget, man.