
"We're gonna bring down the Wall, and make Dorne pay for it!"

"Q, what have you got that will help me work the straw?"

Obviously when they used Smash Mouth's "All Star" in the trailer for Shrek 2 but not the movie itself

Sure, but that's about the least creative way they could wrap that particular mystery up, IMO. Ned's hazy remembrances and flashbacks in AGoT are suitably poetic. TV has to be more straightforward, by necessity, and if they decide to do a direct follow-up to the Tower of Joy flashback that's fine, but I'm not exactly

I hope not, but we'll see. I don't think his interview was on the record, so the blogger would have to give him up. But standard practice would be to attribute to "a Hooli source close to the Nucleus project" or something, which describes dozens of people at this point.

Yeah, I'm a little confused as to whether we're supposed to be rooting for Richard to be CEO. While he got out of his fuckup with the reporter, that alone demonstrates a lack of maturity and savvy that a CEO needs to have at any level, let alone if you want to grow Pied Piper into a billion-dollar business.

I feel like there's no way that information was meant to be attributed on the record. There are dozens of people who could have leaked it, and even tech bloggers protect their sources. I'd be surprised if they go down the path of Big Head getting in trouble for it.

"Jonah Ryan 2026!"

Appropriations is where it's at, my friend, especially since freshmen never get a seat there. It would be extra hilarious if he got on the General Government subcommittee, which controls the White House's budget.

The most weird/adorable part to me is in Richard's post on brunch on splettnet.net. Apparently, Richard and Jonah regularly go to "boozy brunch" where Jonah eats all the food and Richard has all the drinks. Synergy!

As for (2) — yeah, definitely. It's a win-win for him. If Sidney can somehow swing the vote his way, he becomes president. If not, he has a (lucrative) fallback career in lobbying.

As a nerd about this sort of stuff, I wonder how that would work logistically. An Electoral College tie means that every state delegation in the House gets one vote for President — not every single representative. New Hampshire has two representatives, so it's not like he could break a tie per se.

Serious question: why? Assuming you're a book reader, we know roughly what happens next. I never thought we were going to see more.

If you look up his Reddit AMA, there's a good question and response from Will on this very topic

I refuse to read that article for fear of spoilers, but I'll take your word for it!

I think show Littlefinger knew full well about Ramsay. There was one scene where he pretended not to, but about as disingenuously as possible.

And that young prostitute's name? NO ONE

Hey, it's the AV Club, so I'll take the bait. There's a really good fanfic (yes, really) called Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality with basically this premise. Except instead of giving up, Harry vows to combine magic and science to become immortal and conquer the world (in a benevolent way).

One of the running themes (especially later on) is that April is not nearly as bleak or misanthropic as she tries to appear. I mean, she did marry Andy, who's like a human golden retriever.

Yeah, we already know.