
I see where you're coming from, but I can't say I agree. Why is it the government's business what stories Facebook does and doesn't promote? They're not breaking any laws or engaging in monopolistic behavior. Should the Senate Commerce Committee also seek records of what stories CNN's newsroom decides (not) to cover

For that matter, what happened to good old beheading? Would help protect against White Walker-ism, too.

I think it was more that it went against the legend/story that Bran had heard growing up. Though I'm sure some would find it "dishonorable."

Yeah, that was very underwhelming. Wouldn't the hard part be finding out who the "Harpy" is in Meereen? It does them no good at all to know that they get funding from the most obvious sources imaginable.

The non-readers I know have mostly figured there's something up with Jon's heritage. I don't think the specifics of R + L will mean much to them, but "secret Targaryen" is probably enough for an impact.

It's in the first book. I can't remember if it's one scene or spread over several, but it's during Ned POV chapters where he reminsces/fever dreams about the Tower of Joy.

Well, they're in a tough spot, as they had to find some way for two fighters to nearly defeat 7 trained knights, killing 5 of them in the process. Not a lot of ways to do that realistically.

IIRC someone says "this isn't SHIELD" in reference to the UN, so it's an oblique mention, but yes.

I think we're still due for a Theon/Yara reunion, but you never know.

Be the Great Job you want to see on the Internet.

For a while it was theorized that his real name is Walder, which after some accident resulted in him only being able to say his own name, Pokémon-style. Also that he's a bastard son of Walder Frey. Still could be true in the book-world as far as I know.

…I would be interested in reading this. Definitely not a song that comes to mind for this feature.

I think she meant American Idiot the album came out when she was just starting high school, which made her want to see the play. It's just phrased awkwardly. It would make way more sense for her to be 26/27 than 20.

I see Dan as Georgetown (with attendant superiority complex) or maybe George Washington (with attendant inferiority complex).

Also, the tidbit that apparently Richard and Jonah get brunch together!

According to his bio on the Pied Piper website, Jack started at Bain Capital… so, "profiting from others' failure" is probably more accurate than "failing upwards."

Yeah, I enjoyed that Foggy got a bit of redemption this season by clearing the admittedly low bar of being a better lawyer than Matt, but offering him a partnership? That's just insane. The writers have fallen a little too much for Karen and Foggy and made them superhumanly adored.

Late to this review, but I thought I would chime in about something that interested me. The book that Sharon buys and then offers to Samantha is A Disorder Peculiar to the Country by Ken Kalfus. It's about a New York couple with two young children going through a nasty divorce in the midst of 9/11 and other

Well, Walda is kind of naïve, and in the books it's heavily implied (maybe even explicit) that Ramsay has killed rival claimants to the Bolton name before, and Roose didn't really care – he wants his heir to be ruthless. But yeah, it would have been better if Roose showed some awareness that his "mad dog" of a son was