
At this rate there will only be about 4 of them left to "vote" by the end of the season

Sure, some of them are elderly minorities who pay for legal services in livestock

I only wish they had introduced Andrea sooner. KImmy addressing the trauma(s) of her past is the biggest storyline this season, but they didn't bring in the therapy angle until episode 7 (?). I wonder if Tina Fey was only available for a certain number of episodes.

It astonished me when I learned he had to audition for the role. I assumed that they wrote it for him based on knowing him from <30 Rock.

Not just the city, but <1 square mile that is Hell's Kitchen, apparently

It's been on the website for a while. I forget if they've mentioned it on the show or not.

Nice, I knew that sounded familiar but couldn't place it. I would love a weekly "what are they referencing" thread.

Love that line. To be fair to the Founders, though it was adding DC's electoral votes in the 70s that made the Electoral College tie-able.

He was plugging this season on Paul F. Thompkins' podcast (which is excellent, incidentally), so I imagine he'll have at least something of a role going forward.

Sorry, I'm confused – which "sitting king" are you referring to?

Littlefinger? His insanely convoluted plans tend to turn out pretty well.

I don't see the Sparrows as outright villains, but that may just be Pryce's excellent performance. The extreme corruption of the Iron Throne has been apparent since the beginning, so I find the Faith's motivations sympathetic at least, even if their antidote is equally extreme/appalling, and their fixation on sexual

My read is that Roose thinks that if the North unites behind him/Ramsay/Sansa, the Lannisters will have no choice but to accept it – thus avoiding war, at best. Having defeated Stannis proved his bona fides to the Lannisters and solidified his reputation as a strong commander, which should help him avoid war and scare

This is essential knowledge

David Mamet? More "cranky conservative" than libertarian, but he probably likes George Mason well enough

It's more than "mildly OK," but yeah. Frankly I think the backlash is just contrarian nonsense. The musical has its flaws, sure, but I've yet to read a negative criticism that goes beyond "it's not real hip-hop!" or "it's not real history" – yeah, obviously. Let's talk about what it is – an original, diverse,

And get a free dinner, naturally.

Since no one else stepped up, I decided to look up what Katherine Heigl's character's occupation was in 27 Dresses. Turns out it's "personal assistant"… at an "eco-friendly outdoor sports magazine." Wow, that's like every rom-com job in one!

Is that different than the Postal Museum in DC right by Union Station?