
Also, with the warp points you were never more than one or two squares away from a triforce piece anyway, IIRC.

Thanks - this was driving me nuts. Haven't seen Casino but knew it had to be Scorcese!

The series is co-written/created by Paul Rust and his wife (Lesley Arfin).

I've discovered so much music on Spotify that I never would have otherwise. Then I see the artist live (if possible, and most artists come through DC at some point) and buy merch or just buy the album on iTunes/Bandcamp/etc. It's definitely good and necessary to support artists directly, but it's not as black and

Not sure I agree. Plenty of artists have great songs that they just don't feel fit on a "proper" album for whatever reason.

True, I just don't think that's what they were going for.

I mean, we just got around to freakin' Lincoln pretty recently.

He's already played two white characters that I can think of (Nick Wasicsko and Llewellyn Davis).

I've volunteered at a few presidential campaign events. The sheer logistics involved are mind-boggling, especially when a candidate is doing multiple events a day, re-scheduling at the last minute, etc. At some point even the Secret Service has to do some triage as to what's really worth their time.

I wonder if part of it is that I (anecdotally) know very few undecided Democratic primary voters. These days, especially, it's easy to find all the information you could ever want without needing televised debates. As you said, it's political theater, and I imagine it would be no matter how they were organized.

Adjusts nerd glasses It's actually mentioned several times that Monica is illegally living in her aunt's rent-controlled apartment. But yeah, it's still enormous. Chandler and Joey I don't have that much of a problem with. There's a running gag that no one knows what Chandler does for a living, but it seems to pay

Yeah, that was perfect. At first I thought he was being sarcastic, but it was so funny how eagerly he embraced banal advice from someone he barely knows.

Yeah, that's why the "Mac is secretly gay" jokes have never landed that well for me. Not that this show is a bastion of continuity, but his sexuality was strongly established early on and then pretty blatantly ret-conned.

Become? He's been this way at least since the D.E.N.N.I.S. system, which was a pretty explicit parody of the pickup-artist types.

"I give it the lowest grade imaginable: a C-minus-minus."

Phony Butler-mania has bitten the dust

I sat behind a family at a movie recently who would, Gladiator-style, raise a dramatic thumbs up or thumbs down after every trailer. It was awesome and I'm going to try to emulate it.

10 Downing Down: The Downening

Same here. I even knew he was in the movie and still completely forgot somehow.

I didn't think of it as very Western at all. It's a survival film, more like 127 Hours or something than a Western.