
Just finished my first one, actually! Book and lyrics so far, working with a composer to flesh out the music.

I couldn't shake the feeling that this episode, or at least much of it, should have come in episode 2 or even earlier. If they're changing things, why not have the testing of specialties right off the bat? That would introduce us to the Physical cottage earlier and give more of a reason for Elliot and Margo to care

Yeah, Quentin is absolutely an asshole. If you've read the books, this is made quite clear. There are reasons he's an asshole, of course. He becomes more identifiable over time when you realize that it is a tough, adult thing to do to realize that you are not special (and never really were), that there is no grand

Andy Daly and Paul F. Thompkins talk about this on the Spontaneanation podcast. When you're running your own show, all of a sudden you can't let anything go if it bothers you even a little bit. Andy Daly is naturally a nice person, but still ended up embracing his inner control freak on Review, weighing in on even

Largely agree, but I find "I could care less" especially egregious because it literally means the opposite of what the speaker is trying to get across. Relatedly, using "literally" when in fact your meaning isn't literal at all!

That is so crazy that to look it up. The only source is Elizabeth Merriweather's twitter. Pretty sure she was joking, unfortunately.

Agreed. Though I know it must be really difficult to pace this story, especially having to add in Julia's, I can't help but think that they should have saved The Beast for episode 2. I would have liked to see more settling in at Brakebills and establishing an equilibrium before the Beast arrives and upsets that

What's more useful - one year in "law school," or nine seasons on a hit network drama? Grinder rests.

Your last point is so true, and a refreshing counter to so many sci-fi scenes (Prometheus comes to mind, ugh) where supposedly intelligent characters decide to investigate/touch/ingest a strange, deadly substance instead of sensibly running away.

I hate that I know this, this but I think the "theory" is that "the Jews" suckered the U.S. into WWII even though Hitler Did Nothing Wrong.

And that, sir, is why the Andrews Sisters got away with the atrocities they did.

Also, Claire is a convenient metaphor for Olyphant "stealing" his show.

…Ham and cheese?

Yeah, the only thing it made sense to bridle at (to me) was the uniforms. What kind of dive bar has uniforms? Know your audience, Schmidt!

Yep. I got tickets for Hamilton in its off-Broadway run when only the most dedicated theater geeks had heard about it. (Credit to a friend of mine for the tip as I am not one of said obsessives!)

I also liked that in his first few scenes, notably on Jakku when he captures Poe, Kylo Ren is very cool and in control, almost inhumanly so. The freak-out moments help establish that there is a real (and volatile) human being under the imposing mask and distorted voice.

I was really hoping she would go with the nonsensical "Every. Damn. Day."

Well, not everyone makes a point to sit in the front row and then dress up as George Washington in a subsequent hip-hop performance.

Fantastic ending to a wonderful series. I've had that "Bell Jar" sequence play out in my mind (in some form), so it hit me really hard.

I just finished reading Modern Romance, and for that book Aziz and his co-author did a few focus groups at nursing homes. Some of the material from the episode is definitely taken from that experience.