
I believe you mean "Meow the Jewels"

That's an experiment by Frédéric Brochet at the University of Bordeaux, for the record. He's done a bunch of those along the same lines. This New Yorker article lays it out well (self-plagiarism aside): http://www.newyorker.com/te…

I got a pair of Jabra Move (MSRP $100) as a gift, and they're perfectly fine for my purposes. I would guess the Sennheisers are better quality, but the Jabra compares favorably to my wired Sony pair that are higher-end.

It sort of did play out over several episodes, though. The whole heroin-selling saga showed her to be manipulative, self-centered, and desperate. The flashbacks showed that this isn't prison-induced behavior but rather what drugs/addiction make her do (or just tempt her to do, depends on your view of free will I

The Catholic Church officially supports evolution, though. (At least a form of it that is compatible with other Church teachings.) That doesn't mean each and every nun does as well, of course, but Sister Jane is pretty prominently left-wing is most other areas so the line kind of fell flat for me.

Yeah, that actually makes more sense. Or "never act out of desperation"

Velcoro's partner investigating the city manager's disappearance (the guy from Deadwood) seemed pretty normal. Granted, he was also a prime example of the "checked out cop only x years from retirement" trope.

Nic P said in an interview that one of the season's themes is "the occult history of the California transportation system," so hopefully he's going somewhere weird with it.

Yeah, the gay take really makes no sense at this point. We clearly saw him take some sort of ED pill in order to be with his girlfriend. And if he's a veteran then he could easily have PTSD, anxiety, depression, etc., all of which impact sex drive. Hell, he could suffer from those things whether veteran or not.

The "don't eat from hunger" line was phrased really awkwardly, but it's not a terrible sentiment. To me it means to eat only what you need and not go overboard.

I don't think it's his kid, and I think Velcoro knows it but has tried to convince himself it doesn't matter. (And one of his few redeeming qualities this episode was that he considers himself the boy's father regardless.)

"The seed is… not strong, apparently, so we're going with IVF."

I agree, especially since Vaughn's performance seemed a lot more interesting in the flashback scene where he gives Velcoro the info about his wife's rapist. Symeon seems like the classic noir trope of a small-time con who gets in too deep.

The Sopranos got into some of the gritty/rundown parts of northern NJ, no?

I saw a pic on twitter of the Scotts at a recent U2 show in LA — hopefully a new grep is coming soon?!

John Quincy seemed like a pretty socially-conscious guy, as well

Someone mentioned above that those kinds of shots were the origins of second units. Apparently a lot has changed in the past few decades.

I remember reading an article about the LOTR filming that mentioned these newfangled gadgets called "iPods." Jackson and company used them as external hard drives to send scenes back and forth, IIRC.

I have to imagine it wouldn't be allowed. The prospect of a confirmed executive official casting a vote in the Senate seems pretty obviously unconstitutional.

I think it depends on when it happens in the politician's career. Divorcing Bill at that point would have been very public and very toxic. Lots of ugly information would have come out about both of them.