
FWIW, I just re-watched over the weekend — he definitely wanted both offices. Seemed like kind of an odd moment, since it would most likely be unconstitutional and I would expect James to know that, but I guess the writers just wanted something that would begin a rift between Tom and Selina.

That's a good point – I eventually thought of it (I swear!) but it didn't come to mind immediately. I'd imagine that's the primary barrier to attempting such an arrangement (beyond PR/logistics).

If I had to guess, I would say the next season will focus on the lame duck period. Selina is still president, but her status after January 3rd is uncertain. Tom James has no official position but is the assumed VP-elect and thus the assumed Acting President while the House is deadlocked.

True, but it's hard to separate personal and professional at a certain point. Being in jail, being out of practice, being away from his accustomed firm/resources – all of those things make him less capable than he was in his heyday.

Well, I think it's certainly debatable and would have to be settled in court. The Constitution does prohibit serving in the executive branch and legislative branch simultaneously, except for the weird hybrid office of VP. Could the Secretary of the Treasury also serve as President of the Senate? Not sure, but I doubt

I hope not, as well, and also because it's unlikely that it's even Constitutional for an Acting President to appoint his own VP. The idea is for the Acting President to revert back to VP once the House decides on a President, leaving no room for someone like Selina to serve under an Acting President like James.

History nerd time!

Selina has already been married and has a kid, though. People are pretty tolerant of divorce these days. I think that's different than someone like Lindsey Graham who faces questions for never being married at his age.

My understanding was that Tom James wanted to be Treasury Secretary and VP, which is completely unprecedented. Selina was upset because:

Personally, I thought it was pretty funny that the President of the United States' scheduler doesn't really care for politics.

The new Congress is the one that certifies electoral votes, and (in this case) decides the President/VP if no one wins a majority of electoral votes.

What about people born in DC, though? No votes for them? Or would they have to go through Maryland/Virginia?

Re: Veep as member of the Cabinet

Hopefully, it eases the pain a bit when pretty much everyone else on the show (including Julia Louis-Dreyfus, for god's sake!) has their appearance skewered at one point or another.

Not sure if it matters, but elsewhere in the executive branch, an "acting" official cannot appoint someone to take their previous position. So, for example, if the Deputy Secretary of a cabinet department is made Acting Secretary for a time, they officially retain the Deputy Secretary title as well until/unless they

It's kind of silly-looking, but he's been using that logo for like 20 years in various campaigns. Not really a surprise this time.

I'm not sure James could have Selina as Veep. So, given the tied election, the Senate will choose the Vice President. Since they expect the House to be deadlocked, that Vice President would serve as Acting President until the "real" president is certified by the House, at which point the Acting President (James) would

Eh, I would expect them to have an idea, maybe even a solid idea, but in the heat of the moment? You look that shit up, because you need to be absolutely sure. Personally, I like to think of myself as well-informed, and I even knew that a tied election put the decision in the House – but I completely forgot that the

Great writeup, and on a pedantic note (The AV Club!) – it's "Meyer," not "Meyers."

That deal never went through, though. That's the whole reason PP was desperate enough to take Hanneman's money.