
Well, it was made clear that Richard's attorney is as bargain-basement as they come, and has a whole host of personal issues.

Richard asked for Monica having a vote as a condition of further Raviga funding, but remember that after the Hooli lawsuit Laurie nixed that deal. Monica sat on the board in Peter's stead after his death, and seems to only retain the seat at Laurie's sufferance.

That may be the case in the real world, but on the show it's clear that Monica is only a board member at Raviga's behest. Richard wanted to make Monica a permanent board member as part of a funding deal with Raviga, but that deal was never signed.

To be fair, he was running in a suit and dress shoes, too.

Ghost = Mark Antony confirmed

Also, for all of the bad things that Cersei as done, I don't think the audience really cares that much about her sexual exploits. Interesting irony that she's essentially being punished for the one thing that wasn't all that evil in the grand scheme of things.


I think that's an apt comparison. The review notes the pervasive darkness this season, and I think that's pretty typical for the second act of any story, really, but especially epic sagas.

Stannis was done for the moment he burned Shireen. Not sure how people aren't seeing this. He was probably done even before that when the poor weather + Ramsay's sabotage destroyed so much of his supplies/horses.

Mel didn't burn his tents — that was Ramsay.

Your wife is sharper than most, I would guess. None of the non-readers I've talked to have put that together. Hell, at this point I'd be impressed if non-readers remember who Thoros or Beric were, and that Red Priests can revive people from the dead.

Looked it up on the WOIAF because I was curious too:

And conversely, so many comedians suffer from severe depression and anxiety. Curious relationship.

He's the perfect meat shield for Selina. The press likes his "hapless everyday guy" schtick (which happens to be sincere), so his haplessness paradoxically helps him cover up everyone else's incompetence.

If it makes you feel better, I've read that victims of burning at the stake pass out from the smoke before the worst of the burning starts. So… yeah, there's that.

Or guidance from other dragons, for that matter. Every previous dragon has had a mother of its own species.

I think, like many real-life insurgencies, there are different factions with differing goals, united around the vague idea of "we hate Dany."

Littlefinger can be lord of the ashes, just like he always wanted!

I was thinking that too! I studied abroad in Luxembourg many moons ago. The U.S. Ambassador at the time addressed our class, and was clearly unqualified buffoon, so it would be perfect for Pierce. And Paris is a 2-hour train ride away.

You may or may not be serious, but either way, Daniel Abraham's The Dagger and Coin series features the rise of Medici-esque banking in a fantasy world. Really great series. The author happens to be affiliated with GRRM (hangs out with him in New Mexico), too.