
Same. I wonder if some of the "Democrats have all the power" stuff comes from an awkward import of the British system, where the majority party has fewer impediments to their goals.

Homeland definitely comes to mind.

On the Archer subreddit, one of the animators posts a "cocktail of the week" to drink during the subreddit. Since he sees the episodes in advance, they're also a hint to the episode's plot, which is pretty cool.

I love how Jon Benjamin perfectly captures how Archer has no idea where his sentences are going when he starts them.

I haven't seen it, but apparently Steven Moffat wrote it so nerds are honor-bound to defend it.

Were they British? I thought Moore was just speaking in her native Australian.

I like to think that Tracy Jr. taught him what an acrostic was at some point.

30 Rock is filmed at a studio in Queens, I don't think it has anything to do with Conan being banned from anywhere. I'm guessing his schedule couldn't accommodate the show, so they filmed his part in LA and used TV MAGIC.

I hate to burst your bubble –well, not really, this is a site for cynical nerds after all – but "relationshits" was used in a Dane Cook joke back when he was inexplicably ubiquitous, so it's likely they ripped it off from there.

I hate to burst your bubble –well, not really, this is a site for cynical nerds after all – but "relationshits" was used in a Dane Cook joke back when he was inexplicably ubiquitous, so it's likely they ripped it off from there.

The random friend was way funnier than Gwen, too. I can sort of see why they wanted a "straight woman" character to restrain Mindy, but Gwen just ends up dragging down the comedy.

The random friend was way funnier than Gwen, too. I can sort of see why they wanted a "straight woman" character to restrain Mindy, but Gwen just ends up dragging down the comedy.

Peep Show changed theirs after the first season.

Peep Show changed theirs after the first season.

Plus, I'm almost positive DeVito made some warthog grunts after firing the copy machine guy.

Plus, I'm almost positive DeVito made some warthog grunts after firing the copy machine guy.

I agree, I think one of this show's few pitfalls is that it tends to rely on running gags to an unhealthy extent. Perd Hapley, Burt Macklin/Janet Snakehole, and others are hilarious jokes/characters that end up just being variations on the same joke. I know running gags are a tried-and-true sitcom trope, and a lot of

I agree, I think one of this show's few pitfalls is that it tends to rely on running gags to an unhealthy extent. Perd Hapley, Burt Macklin/Janet Snakehole, and others are hilarious jokes/characters that end up just being variations on the same joke. I know running gags are a tried-and-true sitcom trope, and a lot of