
It's worked for me in the sense that people like Jack and Jenna make jokes about her attractiveness – in that sense, the joke (for me) is that even an attractive woman like Tina Fey is considered dowdy by the skewed standards of the NYC/media world.

It's worked for me in the sense that people like Jack and Jenna make jokes about her attractiveness – in that sense, the joke (for me) is that even an attractive woman like Tina Fey is considered dowdy by the skewed standards of the NYC/media world.

Sub-joke: Ben Affleck already has an Oscar (for Good Will Hunting)

Sub-joke: Ben Affleck already has an Oscar (for Good Will Hunting)

A while? Hasn't he been a lawyer for like 2 years?

A while? Hasn't he been a lawyer for like 2 years?

Yeah, but that's exactly why we have a (theoretically) impartial justice system. It may not be emotionally satisfying, but societies based on vengeance and family honor tend not to be the most stable.

Yeah, but that's exactly why we have a (theoretically) impartial justice system. It may not be emotionally satisfying, but societies based on vengeance and family honor tend not to be the most stable.

Just let Walden replace Biden and be slightly more hawk-y (and only slightly, let's remember Obama doesn't shy away from drone strikes) and everything else still kind of makes sense. There's no way to fit that universe in with the Obama-Romney race, though.

Just let Walden replace Biden and be slightly more hawk-y (and only slightly, let's remember Obama doesn't shy away from drone strikes) and everything else still kind of makes sense. There's no way to fit that universe in with the Obama-Romney race, though.

The only way it makes sense is if Nazir just wanted to get Brody more and more involved so he couldn't back out when they need him in the future. But that's still a stretch in light of the FBI massacre team Nazir apparently has stashed away…

The only way it makes sense is if Nazir just wanted to get Brody more and more involved so he couldn't back out when they need him in the future. But that's still a stretch in light of the FBI massacre team Nazir apparently has stashed away…

I'm kind of in between – Brody is smarter than Carrie thinks he is, but not as smart as *he* thinks he is. Remember, right before the CIA grabbed him he thought he was "pretty fucking good" at getting away with his activities.

I'm kind of in between – Brody is smarter than Carrie thinks he is, but not as smart as *he* thinks he is. Remember, right before the CIA grabbed him he thought he was "pretty fucking good" at getting away with his activities.

At this point, I think Brody's loyalties are basically to himself (as they have been all season IMO). He's going to do what it takes to survive and perhaps try to screw over Walden/the CIA in the process. But I don't think he has much love for Nazir remaining.

At this point, I think Brody's loyalties are basically to himself (as they have been all season IMO). He's going to do what it takes to survive and perhaps try to screw over Walden/the CIA in the process. But I don't think he has much love for Nazir remaining.

Didn't David usurp Saul (his mentor/friend) to become the next king? It's been a while since Sunday School but that's what I remember.

Didn't David usurp Saul (his mentor/friend) to become the next king? It's been a while since Sunday School but that's what I remember.

I can believe that Brody isn't completely in the CIA's pocket; in fact that seems very likely. But it would beggar belief that Nazir planned it all along.

I can believe that Brody isn't completely in the CIA's pocket; in fact that seems very likely. But it would beggar belief that Nazir planned it all along.