
Agree with a lot of your comment, but the Ros thing was actually clever payoff from season 1 (the first episode, I think). Tyrion leaves Ros a gold Lion necklace as a "tip" for her "services." Cersei comments on the necklace this week. Plus, Ros traveled south around the same time as Tyrion, so it's not implausible

Agree with a lot of your comment, but the Ros thing was actually clever payoff from season 1 (the first episode, I think). Tyrion leaves Ros a gold Lion necklace as a "tip" for her "services." Cersei comments on the necklace this week. Plus, Ros traveled south around the same time as Tyrion, so it's not implausible

Spoiler for Book 4:

Spoiler for Book 4:

I can see a couple possibilities.

I can see a couple possibilities.

Hey, gingers are a minority too.

Hey, gingers are a minority too.

Well, ol' Roose is in a tough spot. He could kill Ramsay outright, but that would leave him without any heirs at all. If he has other kids right away, Ramsay will probably just kill them too. So my guess is that he's waiting till the time is right to have a legitimate son and then get Ramsay out of the picture.

Well, ol' Roose is in a tough spot. He could kill Ramsay outright, but that would leave him without any heirs at all. If he has other kids right away, Ramsay will probably just kill them too. So my guess is that he's waiting till the time is right to have a legitimate son and then get Ramsay out of the picture.

But they use "Lord [Last name]" and "Lady [Last Name]" all the time, so it's not quite the same as using "sir."

But they use "Lord [Last name]" and "Lady [Last Name]" all the time, so it's not quite the same as using "sir."

Boston is too close. What's the Chinese equivalent of Harvard?

Boston is too close. What's the Chinese equivalent of Harvard?

I think they shared some scenes in S02E01 where they explored the taffy factory. Louise was not pleased with Zeke tagging along.

I think Barney and Ted being co-grooms to Robin makes more sense. Barney and Ted then finally adopt that kid together.

I'm hoping the Community-esque twist that the HIMYM has been in McLaren's Insane Asylum for the past 7 years. Dr. Ranjit has tried everything he knows, but they are still trapped in a mental prison of neuroses and non-linear memories.

Didn't I say "as of the latest book," not that Varys was in it? All I meant is that there has been no clear-cut explanation of Varys' motivations for certain actions. (If there were, I wouldn't share what it was, just that it exists. Though even that might be too much…)

Hmm, an interesting possibility. There were some little looks and comments that implied to me that Littlefinger figured out her identity. Whether he would disclose that to Tywin or anyone else is an open question; I would lean toward no, simply because Littlefinger basically operates on using knowledge only he has.

That's an interesting idea — that by casting Karen, Derek is trying to see Marilyn not as she was (which is impossible anyway, as we can only really guess at such a tormented figure's true nature), but what she could have been if she had retained her Midwestern innocence, if she had a mother who wasn't a wreck, etc.