
Nothing I said implies that he does or doesn't. Apologies if it came off that way. I hate spoilers and tried to speak as vaguely as possible.

There are browser extensions that automatically hide YouTube comments. Spoilers aside, it has made my YouTube experience much more enjoyable.

So, Roose = Cheney?

Yes, he did say that. I assumed he made Arya eat his food as a precaution against poisoning, as Lorch died from a fairly sophisticated poison.

Great point on #4. I also thought Tywin was testing her, but in a different way — to see if she (or anyone else) is trying to poison him, especially in the wake of the assassination of Amory Lorch, which Tywin assumes was directed at him.

I was a little disappointed that the Hound ratted on her. Maybe he thinks it's for her own good, as trying to hide something important from Cersei is not bound to end well.

It would make perfect sense. Jeyne Westerling's mother was from Volantis (IIRC), so her fake identity would have a grain of truth to it. Now they're heading to the Crag, which she didn't seem thrilled about.

Agreed, plus her story in Book 1 is fairly interesting and related to the main action (Robert trying to assassinate her, etc.). Book 2 is the weak point, as she doesn't do much other than the House of the Undying prophecies.

I think that if Tywin had any indication that Arya is not locked up in King's Landing, he would guess her real identity in a heartbeat. As it stands, I think Cersei and Tyrion are in for quite the epic dressing-down when Tywin realizes that Arya was under his nose the whole time, if only his idiot kids hadn't hidden

I don't see why more people don't get this. The Winterfell denizens (including Osha) aren't just chilling in the courtyard; they're being held prisoner by the ironmen. Seducing Theon was a way to be able to move around at night uninhibited.

Read the scene again — Varys just says "Aegon is here." He never claims that it's Aegon Targaryen, son of Rhaegar — that's just what Kevan assumes. That's not definitive proof of anything, of course. But it's a sign that GRRM is leaving some wiggle room on that plotline.

I thought that was the joke — giving him a ride would be ludicrous, but Phil wanted any excuse to avoid Claire

Leading ladies don't sweat, they glow

— I think they wanted to set up Ivy being pissed at Karen for supposedly not telling her about Derek and Rebecca.

And Wet Hot American Summer, of course

Yeah, she seems much meaner to Theon in the show than I remembered. I think it's to make Theon more sympathetic and really hammer home how little anyone respects him.

Well, buying your own army of super-loyal Unsullied is a little different than lettings some shady merchant buy an army on your behalf.

The marshlands are south of Winterfell IIRC, but otherwise I think your way makes sense. They could easily run into the Reeds in the woods surrounding Winterfell or on the road somewhere. "Our father told us to seek you out, but when we got to Winterfell it was already overtaken by ironmen" or something to that effect.

Yeah, I don't get why people are freaking out about the Reeds already. There's still plenty of time to introduce them. Pretty easy, really — Bran, Rickon, Osha, and Hodor escape Winterfell. Run into the Reeds in the woods. Decide to split up to confuse potential pursuers. BAM

I'm pretty sure the Targaryens took out whoever ruled the Iron Islands and elevated the Greyjoys in their place. A little raping and reaving here and there is a small price to pay for the fact that the ironmen haven't expanded their territory one inch in over 300 years. Plus, it gives the Lannisters and Starks a