
Eh, Tywin is good, but losing him isn't an automatic loss for the Lannisters. Especially considering Robb has been kicking his ass up to this point. Tywin's brother would just take over and things wouldn't be that different.

I mentioned this above, but the wildlings don't usually all live in the frozen wasteland area. Mance Rayder gathered them there to try and avoid the notice of the Night's Watch as he trains his army.

Book reader  here - it's not immediately apparent from the show just how enormous the land north of the wall is. Also, I wouldn't say it's "perpetually frozen." Cold, sure, but there are still forests, lakes, rivers, etc. Think Alaska more than Antarctica.

On a show with as many characters and shifting allegiances as this one, I think it makes sense to clarify who's on which side as much as possible. Plus, the Hound is treated like a glorified servant rather than someone who has a house of his own, so it might be confusing if the Cleganes wear their own insignia around.

Great point, I didn't catch that parallel until now.  I like that the show establishes Tywin/Tyrion as pragmatic and sometimes ruthless, but not evil and not without compassion.

Yeah, that was painfully unfunny. Same with Jim, though at least he tried a little bit.

They kind of did that already with Charles Miner. But agreed, a different sort of boss from the Michael Scott/David Brent mode would be a welcome change. It's one thing if the boss is a goofy incompetent in an otherwise fairly normal office. It's another when when not only is the boss crazy, but the CEO is crazy, the

Because she was basically implying she looked like a gay porn actor in her painting outfit.

Agreed. The Inspector Spacetime gag was funny at first, but now it's just… awkward. It's not accurate enough to be a real Doctor Who parody, and it's not funny enough to stand on its own. I think the show would work better if they kept the Inspector Spacetime stuff to posters in the background and such instead of a

Yeah, the Dev thing made pretty much zero sense. He asks her to give up on her dream so they can move to DC together. Then when she hesitates, he says that he would do the same for her. Except… he isn't. Doing the same for her would mean staying in New York so she can do her thing.

That's the feeling I got as well. Valyria = Rome while Old Ghis = A mix of Greece and Carthage. New Ghis and other Slaver's Bay cities have a North African feel.

I was keeping to the major houses (Freys are bannermen to Tully), but feel free to keep the list going if you want!

I was thinking about that, but while Lysa has always been a little off, it seems like she didn't go full crazy until her marriage to Jon Arryn…

Ehh, I'll keep things vague, but let's just say some fantasy elements will be very important throughout Season 2

IIRC Tywin did expressly order the murder of Rhaegar's children and even brought their bodies to King's Landing in red cloaks to lay at Robert's throne.

I just don't understand why they would choose "Yara," which is bound to be confused with "Arya." Book readers and the kinds of fans that read AV Club review won't have a problem, but my mother can't keep Tyrion/Tywin straight, for example.

It's implied, but pretty heavily so. Though it's not until DwD that it's pretty much confirmed in Melisandre's POV chapter.

There's a fair amount of circumstantial evidence that the "Aegon" introduced in Dance is not actually a Targaryen. There's too much to get into here, but I'd say the support of the Golden Company (a group founded by, and ultimately loyal to, the Blackfyre line) is pretty suspicious considering the Targs are their

Well, Westeros is basically supposed to be Northern Europe, with the Dornish as the exception with a sort of Spanish feel. The other continents will surely have room for more racial diversity. I mean, the Dothraki certainly aren't white.