

Wait, Joffrey sexually abused one of his siblings? I must have forgotten/repressed that part…

Syrio is from Braavos, Jaqen is from Lorath (or so he claims). I get a very Italian vibe from the Free Cities (Braavos is basically supposed to be Venice) so they might have somewhat similar accents but by no means identical. But so much about Jaqen's identity is malleable that really any voice he does can make sense

Now I want to rank the major families in order of fucked up-ness…

As an "expert," I'll try to answer your questions spoiler-free.

Well, Chase is pretty complimentary to the writers on the DVD commentary he's done. From what I can tell, he doesn't like the direction that Pierce has gone, but that doesn't mean finds the show's writing unfunny.

And cooks meth on the side to afford his extravagant Manhattan apartment. Also, to send his kid to a good college, preferably in a different hemisphere.

I like to think Benedict Cumberbatch chortles derisively at pretty much everything.

But he was a in a "Bruno Mars revue!"

Well, I don't think they ever said the Rangers were his favorite team, he just mentioned watching one of their games. If you're a hockey fan in New York, I'd imagine you have to take what you can get.

Oh cadmium, the element with an atomic mass of Betrayal.

My friends and I were charged with "loitering" in a park in my younger days (one of them even had pot!). The crime was so minor that the prosecutor didn't bother showing up to the court date. Not sure how it works in NYC, but that part rang true to me. A decent lawyer and a middle-class background is almost always

Seriously, I think all of the hype/press about Harmon's story circles and whatnot have given a lot of people the wrong idea. Don't get me wrong, the guy cares about story and characterization, but watch some of his Channel 101 stuff to see just how absurd and juvenile (in a good way) his sense of humor can often be. I

I'm with you. Maybe it's just me, but I don't automatically associate shirt-ripping rage with the Hulk. It didn't even cross my mind until the kid mentioned it.

To me, the Hulk reference was basically irrelevant. Jeff ripping his shirt off at a bar mitzvah in a fit of antidepressant-induced rage was funny enough. The kid assuming that barely-Hulk-like display was part of the "act," to the dad's confused relief, was more like a comedic misunderstanding than Community hammering

Is it possible to de-adopt a kid?

That was my read on it as well. Yeah, it's still pretty unbelievable, but at least they're not asking us to believe that he just figured out the actual line from context.

HIMYM can redeem itself to the commenters calling it "unrealistic" by devoting the rest of the season to contract and tort law!

Michael Ian Black's interview on WTF with Marc Maron a couple weeks ago put the State guys in a new perspective for me. MIB claims that as far back as their MTV days, the State crew had ambitions of mainstream success, becoming the "new SNL." I've usually considered them indie/alternative comedians, and that has

I don't think she's purposefully sabotaging their relationship. As she said in the episode, she honestly doesn't think Ted and Robin are right for each other, which was the genesis for the bet. I don't think we're meant to believe that Lily would seriously prevent her friends from being happy for the sake of a $20 bet.