
Norwegian, I think. And I love that they actually recorded the song (or at least a snippet). Honestly, what I heard of Nefertiti's Fjord wasn't bad, I hope they put up a full mp3 somewhere…

Moreso than the theft, it seems like there would be some rule, written or unwritten, about the city manager openly supporting a city council candidate, especially during work hours.

Really wondering where the "cannibals" one came from…

It's probably hard to deviate much in a mockumentary format.

Jim and Pam are fine, but a lot of their storylines are just cloying. Much funnier and when matched up with/against other characters (e.g. Jim and Dwight, Pam and Ryan).

That is an absurdly deep reading of what was probably meant as a throwaway joke. Kudos!

They did explain why Shirley was unpopular: people (Annie, at least) were worried that her Christianity would impact her performance in a science class, and everyone's sick of hearing about her kids.

Yeah, the Saget voice-over was confusing. Who's telling this story — Robin or Ted? If it's Ted telling his kids 30 years in the future a story that Robin told someone else about Marshall and Lily, that's some Wuthering Heights-level nesting shit right there.

Yeah, they should switch it up and make us wonder if the mom will make it to the birth!

Right, and it fits with Mitchell's character as well. He's the kind of guy who would be uncomfortable with PDA, gay or straight.

Todd, you asked if "real" Model UN is anything like how it's portrayed in the episode… Can't believe none of the other MUN nerds (and there have to be a few on this site) haven't responded!

Great points. The Pierce thing is really bothersome — at the end of last season, he had done some pretty terrible things to people (especially Jeff), which they kind of glossed over. I also recall an interview with Harmon where he said that Pierce would spend some time outside the group and we'd get to see more of

What about Phyllis Vance? Angela Martin? Ryan Howard? Options abound!

I don't feel like getting sucked into TV Tropes, but there is a term for this, and it is really common. "Too Dumb to Live" or something of that nature.

I don't think Walt could just stand by and let Hank die. Without knowing about the Skylar/Ted fiasco, he thought there would be an option that would save all of them.

They've always had a lot of producers. Larry Wilmore was a consulting producer or something in the beginning for some reason. I think it mostly comes from elevating writers like B.J. Howard to producers along the way.

Yeah, but there's "less cool than a Charger" and then there's "embarrassing to be seen in." Of course, the curmudgeon in me thinks that Jr. should be damn thankful getting a car on his 16th birthday when some of us had to beg for rides, but I guess we're looking at relative expectations here.

So, no one else has noticed that Marshall's t-shirt in the gambling flashback (flash-forward? timelines on this show can get confusing since it's all in flashback) says "Marshall & Steph 4-Eva"? Are they implying that Marshall gets a quickie wedding? Or am I missing something?

They announced back in the spring that the last four episodes of season 2 would air in the fall (i.e. now) to go along with It's Always Sunny. For some reason a bunch of places (even usually reliable sources like IMdB) have it listed as season 3.

I thought he looked more like post-hair plugs Tobias.