
Don't forget Antoine's band practice!

I think the penetrating stare at the end is what sold it.

One of the funniest moments of the episode for me was his awkward psyching-up of Andy in the car. Turning down the high-five was hilarious!

Agreed, I thought this episode was pretty weak, especially for a season finale. Any scene with Katya was pretty much devoid of humor, which would be okay in service of a better plot, but they didn't really sell Archer's love of her enough for that to work.

For those who don't know, "Bubbe" (pronounced "bubby") is Yiddish for grandmother. Which only adds fuel to my hope that Archer's dad turns out to be Buddy Rich.

I don't think the comment is meant to be "death is inevitable," more to point out the ludicrousness of the "rule of three." I think it diminishes someone's death much more to try and group it together with two completely unrelated people, personally.

Pedant time!
Another reason Barney's "Chinese?" gag fell flat (for me, at least) is that it was established in an earlier episode that Barney doesn't care for Chinese food. Or Mexican, or anything based on sauce and rice. Just had to get that out of my system.

Looks like one of the pictures of Guy Pearce in Memento…

It was the KGB agents using a voice modifying machine.

Yeah, the earlier use of the Tokyo storyline really ruined any drama in this one. Kind of like how Robin "quit" the gang for barely one episode before returning anticlimactically - the writers just can't seem to figure out what to do with her.

I don't think so, because if they lost that little gamble he would have actually come over - then it would have turned into consolation regardless.