
I don't listen to him since the early 90s (I forget to! I always forget that there's a few country songs that I actually like), but he's enormously popular. I'm frankly surprised we haven't heard stories about the sun blotting out from the eclipsing enormity of a Garth world tour.

I didn't completely hate the abbreviation until I read that.

In sales, it's best to be of average intellect and/or substandard ethical character. They also often make obscene amounts of money compared to the people who thought up and engineered the products the salesmen sell.

Sorosbot, is that you?

You bet. And not sure about that Live song, but their first album got heavy play in my angst-ridden bedroom for at least a couple weeks (still play a couple songs to this day).

The final season of Dexter is missing.

The bracelet designer is clearly a leach and a moocher and should be thrown in galt's gulch.

The bracelet designer is clearly a leach and a moocher and should be thrown in galt's gulch.

Dell is an idiot
Thanks, with the support of this group
by Dell