WARNING: This handle triggers butthurt cucks.

Oh, like you wouldn’t hug a beautiful woman. Please, tell us again how morally superior you are because you’ve never felt sexual desire in your life, in fact, you’re a virgin, that’s how little you would dream of hugging a beautiful woman!

Whatever dude. If you were in Billy’s position, you’d have done the same thing.

In before indignant, mealymouthed denial that you would never dream of such a thing *eyeroll*

Why should he be bothered to understand the language they want to force on us? This is America.

Your wishful thinking is showing. How perverted are “liberals” that they slaver to believe any out-and-out lies about a Republican, just because confirmation bias? Sick, just sick.

DoctorK’s post was implying that the peanut sauce was a fireable offense. But nice try.

What a surprise: beta cuck writes overlong essay mocking alpha bull

And this makes it worth ruining a man’s career. A few words on a video and peanut sauce. The outrage machine sure has come a long way!

TRIGGER WARNING: This article contains insensitive dismissals of racism!!!!!!!1!

Wow, fame whores looking for their 15 minutes accuse famous man of sexual impropriety. In other news, the sky is still blue.

This is a non-story made up by the lamestream media to distract everyone from Hillary’s glaring issues: emails, Benghazi, being in bed with Wall Street, the works. Electing Hillary is tantamount to writing ISIS a blank check.

Gilmore Girls is for cucks.

Nobody cares what Rudy’s daughter thinks. The only opinion that matters is Rudy’s. And Rudy is supporting the best candidate in the mix. #facts