
Anyone know if you can connect your old bungie account to the mcc? I wanna rock my flaming helmet. :l

Pretty sure cata woulda happened regardless, I dunno about you, but if I had to deal with a world destroying dragon I’d rather not also have to worry about a super ominous hole in the sky above Icecrown Citadel.

I mean if you’re only considering characters who fight mma style then sure there aren’t many contenders, but if they’re thinking something like Soulcaliber then they’ve got plenty of characters they can work with.

Because bathrooms, yes even public ones, are places of privacy. The issue isn’t whether or not he actually caught dong on camera, but the fact that he could have, AND FROM SOMEONE NOT CONSENTING TO HAVING THEIR DONG FILMED. Doc 100% deserves a ban for this, and the fact that there are people defending him blows my

Someone doesn’t play on the harder difficulties.

The remaster I’ve been waiting for the most.

I’m entirely sure lifeline has a smaller hitbox too. Honestly I think she might have the smallest, but I don’t really have a way to test it so...

Your comparison to street fighter is so fucking dumb. Street fighter doesn’t have a move that does more damage based on the amount of projectiles that hit you. (Maybe it actually does, but fighting games in general don’t usually have this mechanic) A peacekeeper is significantly more effective against Caustic than

You do realize his comment was grammatically correct right?

I’d say that their growth is finally starting to stagnate (them suddenly pumping out so many ads kinda supports that). That being said LoL is still an absolutely HUGE game, and isn’t in any real threat of failing anytime soon.

Well in the first 2 games he looks like pedophile who works at Best Buy and hasn’t seen the sun in 15 years. In the third game he’s a goddamn sexy beast. Gotta face the facts my man Geralt looks better with a beard.

“I think calling playing a video game a sport is a slap in the face to the tens of thousands of athletes who dedicate their lives and years of physical training to a particular sport.”

Its a fun game where you play as spiderman. Its not ‘This Is the Police.’ It’s not supposed to be a political/social commentary on the state of new york, so why do you feel the need to criticize it as one?

Considering hes been doing this for 6+ years I wonder when this “career cycle” is going to start cycling. 

But did woman’s clothing have lower necklines in 431 BCE?

I think what he was trying to say was that the point to the other guy saying “wut” wasn’t out of confusion of his point, but rather out of confusion from how OP got to his conclusion that either of these two cases are in any ways similar.

Tbh this sounds a lot more like the gravelord covenant from dks1 than some battle royal mode.

People complained about the core gameplay changes from the traditional Halo experience (having abilities, removing dual wielding weapons, etc.), but if you base it on its own merits its a fucking fantastic game. I think some people were also disappointed in forge world, but I may be mis-remembering that.

I wouldn’t say that most halo games are mediocre at all. In fact id argue that the Halo franchise is one of the best in gaming. They only started feeling mediocre after reach. Not because of 343 imo (ODST was great!), but rather because Microsoft basically forced them to reboot a series that already had a great ending