
It has a timeline.

You all better be extra super fucking grateful. You have no idea how lucky we are they localized this. This game’s script is GARGANTUAN. Buy the game, say thank you to SE. If this doesn’t sell well it could mean bad news. This is the script.

I would gladly trade every FF port for DQVIII.

Now playing

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past will be out in North America on September 16. There’s a new trailer and everything! Dragon Quest theme music always makes me smile.

OH! like the real Kojima.

So... like Hideo Kojima is right now?

Watch Dogs 2

“R.O.U.S’s? I don’t believe they exist."

It looks and sounds like a proper Castlevania game.

Now playing

It really eschews this aesthetic in a way.

Hahaha. What is this a paid advertisement?

HD port of great game that fixes its one major flaw. Eh.

If the FF team know something it’s how to draw fans in through shiny aesthetic and environments - then you take the lid off...

Basic, reasonable expectations of non-racist human decency?

I really didn't care for the demo at all, but that's probably because I prefer combat that is either entirely turn-based, or entirely action-oriented. Attempts like this to meet in the middle inevitably end up being less than the sum of their parts, and in my opinion FFXV is no different.

A lot of people have already said it with great embellishment. So I will be direct;