That's Shadowcrypt in a nutshell.
The heck with Dragon Quest IX! Get some Dragon Quest VIII in there. Yangus, represent!
I'm in the middle of FFIV right now, and man. This "North East cave" with the Dark Elf is a pain in the ass!
Just wanted to say this. From looking at the ps3 beta compared to the retail version, I think the beta version looks worse. The lighting is nice, but it had worse to no surface textures. The floors and walls look like blobs compared to retail.
Don't be sorry one bit. I'm adoring this game, despite some minor issues I have with it. They're very much overshadowed by all the things I love :D
... I miss Stephen Russell.
I'm sorry, but I love this game and am addicted. Yeah it has some odd design choices, but it's gorgeous, atmospheric (especially at 2560x1080) and if you play true stealth, it's very rewarding.
Would die.
Gotta love the character selection screen in this Dark Souls-Mega Man crossover video by TerraMantis. This could be the most difficult game in existence. And calling Gwyndolin "Woman Man", that's probably the best robot masters name yet.
People praised Demon's Souls controls as well—the claims about how "every death feels like it was your own fault" can be found in a lot of the positive reviews that originally got me to pick it up in the first place. In both cases, I've found this a mild exaggeration—making the "get out of a menu" button the same as…
That's odd, one of the things many people cite as a point in favor of Dark Souls is a tight, responsive control scheme, which is your basic left-stick-move right-stick-camera with the buttons assigned to different places than maybe you're used to. Took me about 20 minutes to get used to, and then I felt as in control…
The only thing I dislike about this video, which annoys me in any video that does it, is when half the video length is content and the other half is credits. Otherwise, awesome stuff.
I meant to type something here but I can't for the life of me figure out what it was. Ignore my post. :(
I made it 22 seconds before I couldn't stand this guy's voice any longer. I'll wait for the game. I can't stand listening to someone who doesn't speak clearly...
See, you folks mightn't have had this problem if you'd used the PAL cover. Also, PAL covers are always better!!!!!!!!
While I agree with that sentiment, I think it does a game a great disservice to mention an entirely different game in an article's headline. People may start off reading this article by thinking of, and making comparisons to, Skyrim, rather than appreciating this game for what it is in it's own right.
Wait, wait, wait...this looks a lot like Giants: Citizen Kabuto, minus the comedy, quirky characters and the Sirens.
Heck even the monster looks a little like Kabuto.
But apparently this game has, vanished from the gaming consciousness...
I thought this article was going to be about WftO, that's the only reason I clicked on it.