
As amazing as that would be, Disney is not run by human beings. Even Kathleen Kennedy gets horse-whipped into line by the great mouse. This film will likely suck.

I always thought that the reason Wario doesn’t have a girlfriend is because he eats a huge amount of garlic and farts constantly.

How many PETA representatives does it take to change a light bulb?

This game is absolutely amazing. I really had no interest in it at all a month ago, but picked it up on a whim and it’s proven to be an absolute smash hit with my friends and my girlfriend (who plays mario kart and nothing else). My PS4 is actually now used for something other than watching Netflix too, which is

I’m so damn excited man. Now Nintendo, lets get F-Zero SX for Switch, Kay? Kay? Kay.

AN HD remake, I think you mean.

The moss looks good, but who actually wants moss on their game controller?

I’d keep opinions like that to yourself if I were you. For shame.

If we’re being that pedantic, I think fruitcake is definitely more of a snack than a desert, because it isn’t a huge expanse of sand.

Jesus, my eyes. That thing is as ugly as the God Of War games are shit.

Actually most people think 3 is one of the best in the series. The modern iOS versions of the first 3 are pretty good IMO

Check out 4,5,6 and 9 on DS, and 1,2 and 3 for iOS (they have modern translations so are the best versions of the early titles).

Well that would be very sensible, if you weren’t missing out on the 3DS library - objectively the best library of any current console, and one of the best libraries of any Nintendo console to date. But whatever works for you!

If they want to be known as a ‘platform fighter’ instead of ‘smash clone’ then they should possibly consider not directly ripping off many aesthetics and gameplay mechanics from smash. Seriously those fighters are basically reskins, not original creations. And a circular energy ball shield? Please. This is essentially

This game is super fun and also has absolutely top grade sound and musical design. I feel like you missed a very important feature though - there are hard to find collectibles in the shape of retro game cartridges. And each one is 100% playable. It’s really quite a big game.

You nailed it. I’m such a huge fan of Castlevania but was cautious because I hate modern anime. But they went for a ‘classic’ style which was wonderful. Can’t wait to see more! Thank your friends from me.


I really needed this today. Bless her!

You seriously think Circle of the Moon is better than Harmony of Dissonance? A non-canon Castlevania that’s so dark you can barely see it?

The demo they gave out to backers last year is fantastic. It feels just right to play.