
Look, we've all tripped over a loose wire and severed a country's internet service. Don't pretend you haven't.

That is a Syma brand heli. I own the one pictured, I forget the model #, and a couple of the Syma S107's. The 107 handles much better...On a good day you can find them on Amazon.com just under $20 U.S.

It's also a little like trying to sell a Ferrari to both a Ferrari buyer and a Fiesta buyer.

"canvas" is an HTML tag new to HTML5. The canvas is an area on a webpage that you can draw images. The canvas does not need to be visible. Since the canvas is part of standard web technology, the web page does not need permission to construct or draw one. Your computer offers up some unique info when you go

<sits down, cracks knuckles>


I don't know. I've had plenty of success selling your wife's garments and I never had to ask.

His campaign slogan: Tim Wu ain't nothin' to fuck with!

Surprised this wasn't the first one mentioned, as it's certainly the first thing that pops into my mind-

Pan's Labyrinth. Heart-breaking and beautiful, yet hopeful.

Could we possibly have a Wallpaper Wednesday for HD Phones?

I actually wish there was a powershell interpreter in Linux so I could manage Windows hosts more efficiently.

I would say the first step towards success would be not eating Lunchables.

Thorium, baby, thorium! Although anything alleviating/replacing global energy demand would be a welcome changing of the game at this point, I can only imagine the systemic change moving away from hydrocarbons would usher in. It'd be extra-sweet if whatever replaced it was cheap and decentralized.

I guess no one's heard about the literary work that was edited to a shorter form, while a stormy sea raged all around??

I love the idea of Themer but I can't get myself to use it for any extended period of time. I always have this feeling in the back of my mind that it's a blanket over the phone like I always have an app open and there's stuff going on behind it. I don't get that with other launchers. It's dumb but I can't shake it.

You start that party, brother.

I was born in 89, I hope I made the cut for being able to realize some of the breakthroughs in age treatment. Fingers crossed for pushing 120, and still being able to wipe my ass.
