
Karl Jobst is tight with the wretched-ass Goldeneye white nationalist crew that got banned from GDQ after being outed as a bunch of nazi freaks. Please do not give him traffic. Cheers

Couldn’t continue the greatest racing program in the world.

Oh god, I hope they start having her curse on the show like she does in the books. Hell, I hope they go back and dub extra profanity into season 1.

Good news for fans of science fiction’s greatest f-bomber, Chrisjen Avasarala.

Have you watched Turn A Gundam?

My top three picks for this role are Clancy Brown, Ron Perlman, and Kevin Nash.

Exactly like that; the Real Touch markers are basically a basic acrylic wash in felt-tipped marker form, which makes it a lot easier to apply to linework. They actually have two ends, a “fine” end and a “brush” end. The fine end is what you’ll use to line. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can use the brush end

So first, if it’s a Bandai snap-fit kit, it almost certainly won’t require glue, and you shouldn’t use it until you’re 100% sure you need it or you’ll invariably wind up gluing something that was actually supposed to actuate. And as others have said, use real nippers, don’t snap the parts out by hand or use scissors

They’re all individually written and voice acted. An early one is basically investigating why an old well is haunted and if you read all the items you get you can work out quite a tragic tale.

It’s pretty minor, but at that age it can be significant. 21 year old just out of college, still wants to ‘rage’ and party it up. 24/25 year old, over all that has a career and been working for a while, with different life priorities. No so much the age gap, but the mental gap I think.

You also have System of a Down!

Maybe if you read the article...

Every virtual drum set I've seen has always fallen short on inputs. That only has 4 inputs. I'd buy one if it had a proper minimum of 8 and two pedals. Like a standard 5 piece.

How well does this perform as a means for propulsion say on a big wheel?

radioactive wolves...

Let's not forget Innerspace with Dennis Quaid, Martin Short and Meg Ryan

High...way...to...the...dane....ger ...zone!!!

Can I make a suggestion? Instead of lumping Libretarians in with the rest of the NeoCons and regular conservatives, why not look up the definition of Libretarian first? I think you might be a bit suprised.

The Matrix seems like a solid answer. Hell, I'd recommend The Matrix: Reloaded if only for the highway scene.